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Research On The "Gentle" Design Of Classical Gardens Of Suzhou

Posted on:2015-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330428498262Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the soul shelter of literates, the ideological sources of respecting nature and“integrity of human and nature” are reflected in all the classical gardens of Suzhou. Tointegrate all the thinking and understanding of the nature into the design of gardens, theliterates artistically reproduced the nature by adopting the expression methods of “gentle”design. It can be said that every pool of water and every rockery, even the construction offlowers and grass all reflect the wonderful expressions of “gentle” design.In the design of classical gardens of Suzhou, either tortuous loopback garden layoutforms, manifolds of constitutive elements of unity, jagged permeability of space layout The“gentle” design of classical gardens of Suzhou also fully reflected in mutually integratingall the elements and the nature transition of space transforming, by utilizing the unity ofdiversity among the view elements for the garden layout. And by using the structuresunited but opposite including actual and virtue, dynamic and static, open and narrow,straight and curved, the expressive force of “gentle” design was emphasized to embody thevitality and harmony of the great nature. Meanwhile, the symbolic schema of elementsincluding buildings, components and landscapes in the garden were creatively designed byusing “winding in the twists and turns”,"neutralization of nature” as the internal rules forconstructing the classical gardens of Suzhou, to perfectly encompass the expressionmethods of “gentle” design in the limited space within the surrounded high walls.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suzhou, Cassical gardens, "Soft" design Advocate natural
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