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The Texture, Material, Color Research For Historic District Based On The Significance Of Truthfulness

Posted on:2014-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422955456Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the accelerating process of urbanization and urban renewal speed continuously improvein China, dirty environment of historic district had to face the situation of the first transformation.But the transformation of the historic district usually use the way of repair the old as old, and thenin a process of continuous transformation, the original buildings in the historic district which has adistinctive mark on the history substances have been destroyed. Especially, during the process ofdemolition, many old bricks and old tiles which belong to the old building were regarded as wastedisposal. Instead, the antique blocks built by the new material flooded in these regions. Therefore, itcaused the consequences that do not respect the true face of the original historic district, and thecontinuity of historical information which belongs to the historic district is tampered becomemissing, and originally a true and complete historical street scene gone, workplace atmospherebecomes strange yet. This dismal status quo prompted us to recognize severe, that is theauthenticity substance in historic neighborhoods must be protect under the situation of majordemolition.This paper take the Men Dong district of Lao Cheng Nan in Nan Jing as the research object,and take the authenticity principle as the starting point. The author argues that the real historicdistrict scene show should be based on the time context, and take the continuous historical materialaccumulated as a distinct characteristic. The author also adheres to maintain historical informationof real rendering as the basic values of this essay writing. Such values can be specific described thatdiverse architectural texture, different times left the building materials and bearing years imprintcolor environment in the historic district should regarded as the physical witness of the process of historical development in the evolution and replacement, and do not easily be removed.In process of specific analysis of this thesis writing, the author take the materials which cancarrying the historical memory in Men Dong district as the writing objects. These materialsspecifically includes building materials texture, building materials and colors. The paper mainlyfocuses on the specific quantitative composition of these substances. From the point of view of thespecific quantification analysis to specific composition of the material elements of the proportionand distribution of the form which in various historical periods in Men Dong district, we can see areal view of this historic district.In the final, the paper discussed some recommendations for the protection of the historicdistrict and some related reference of practice case. We want to use this to advocate Retain anddisplay real historical information of historic district as the basic principle of the related work, at thesame time we want to provide a reference for future research and practical work.
Keywords/Search Tags:historic district, principle of truthfulness, texture, material, color, samplinganalysis
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