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The Design And Research Of The Form Of Contemporary Office Buildings Based On Anti-Object Theory

Posted on:2014-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422455621Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the diversified era background, various architectural ideas continuouslystreaming in, accordingly, the expression of architectural modes are numerous andcomplicated. Among them, some architectural masterpieces in Japan and westerncountries have shown one common character that attention deserved to be paid, that isthe strong opposition of architecture to be split from the surroundings by highlighting itsunique shape, on the contrary, architecture should be restrained and modest, andharmoniously coexist with nature and people. There should be goodwill released fromthe architecture, making people feel warm so as to create an accord atmosphere thatcentering on people life instead of the buildings.Japanese famous architect Kengo Kuma names the idea of anti-split andanti-modeling as Anti-object Theory, based on which this essay will probe into thenormal approaches that applied in today’s office architecture design. The essay startswith the elaborate explanation on content of Anti-object Theory, analyzing theformation of its historical background and its architecture philosophy, after that putforward some problems that existing in China’s office designing, later, with the analysisof several cases to discuss the techniques in today’s office architecture morphology,namely are sense of blanking form, sense of blanking weight and sense of blankinghighlight. Among the three, The sense of blanking form is about weaken or eliminatethe visual impact of the architecture in a bid to make itself well involved into theatmosphere by a modest and restrained style. The sense of blanking weight focuses onusing light and transparent material as well as taking ingenious construction manners tomake the architecture achieve an effect of lithesome, fluent and flowing.The sense of blanking highlight pays attention to nature, culture and location in order to make thearchitecture humbly integrated with the surroundings. At last, by introducing two actualdomestic buildings i.e. Shanghai Z58designed by Kengo Kuma and Qingpu PrivateEnterprise Association building designed by Dashe Architecture Institution to identifythe common characters between the two so as to prove the feasibility of the above threeways of blanking.China is currently in a period of fast economic development, many places are fondof craving for greatness and success, they prefer the so-called landmark buildings toshow off their political achievements, so that many super highrise buildings, varioushyperbolic shapes and sundry symbolic erections are arisen abruptly out of the ground.These architectures though bring about visual impact to people have caused theignorance of culture, environment and location. In the situation of blundering designing,the architecture practice under Anti-object Theory is a sensitive capture and a calmdeliberateness on the spirit of the time. An earnest study into the marrow of thisarchitecture theory will be undoubtedly of great significance for updating architectureideas and impetus architecture practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-object, Blanking, Form, Weakening, Light and Transparent
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