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Studying On The Protecting And Updating Space Environment Of Huizhou Vernacular Dwelling

Posted on:2014-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401989020Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is the artistic conception space and its formation of Huizhou vernaculardwelling that modern architecture space environment has been seeking for. Huizhouvernacular dwelling not only provide a reference of building structure for modernarchitecture, but also fulfill it in culture spirit level. Meanwhile, the spaceenvironment of Huizhou vernacular dwelling make a great difference to theformation and culture meaning of modern architecture space environment. TakeNanping for example. Nanping, which its space environment is keeping changing isan organic whole, existed as a village before. Nanping village is of great value inits historical significance and functions as buildings, so it’s an urgent task toprotect and reserve the old village.This essay tries to transform the abstract conception of Huizhou vernaculardwelling space environment into concrete image by analyzing its proportion andscale, symmetry and balance, and the level of infiltration, rhythm and tempo. Thisarticle also explore the culture artistic meaning of the space environment byconstituting a fusion of form and traditional culture, from virtual to real,macroscopic to microcsmic. This article aims to demonstrate Huizhou vernaculardwelling space environment can live harmoniously with that of modernarchitecture, through studying on elements of Huizhou space environment to findmain factors affecting itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:residential space environment, Nanping village, beauty of formreference and inheritance, artistic conception
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