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Tourist Road Landscape Design And Display Technology Research Based On Road Culture

Posted on:2014-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401976511Subject:Road and Railway Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As deeply rooted with the concept of sustainable development, people have realized thatthe road should not merely function as a transport media, we should also consider the roadfrom different angles like value of ornamental, culture, environmental protection, andeventually reach the realm of harmony between man and nature. Seventeenth Party Congressabout the cultural construction of important strategic deployment requires deepening reformof cultural system to promote development and prosperity of socialist culture. For our country,what road culture reflects is the essence of national culture, the soul of China. With thecontinued warming of tourist highway construction, tourist highway landscape construction,which is based on highway cultural, has become an important component of tourismhighway landscape design in China. Therefore, the major research direction of this paper isRoad domain cultural tourism highway landscape design and display technology, which hasimportant theoretical value and practical significance.Base on domestic and foreign tourist highway landscape design and current roadsidecultural display technology development status, this article first introduced the survey ofhighway, Road culture basis landscape design and display technologies of a few typicalrepresentative and of significance of tourism highways such as: Hainan Wenchang spaceportsupporting road, Changbai Mountain highway, between Lhasa and Gongga Airportdedicated road, Cultural tourism in Lancang River along the Lancang River promenade.Then, basic concepts of road cultural factors, the relationship between road culture andlandscape design and trends of roadside landscape is elaborated.Landscape, with characteristics of relatively stable and dynamic development, inaddition to embody an area of natural landscape features, implicit in the context of thehistorical development of the region, therefore, landscape design based on roadsideculture is the inevitable trend of development of road landscape design.Elements of analysis and Expert Advice combined, we summarized and extracted higherfrequency factor appeared in road cultural evaluation, classified road cultural evaluationfactors.We introduced common filtering method of road cultural factors such as: PrincipalComponent analysis and Cluster Analysis method, Delphi method, Analytic HierarchyProcess, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods and scope ofapplication. This article uses SD method for investigating and evaluating road culturefactors, introduces the process of determination of indicators index, establishes a roadcultural factor evaluation system. Secondly, summarized and analyzed the technology such as: tunnels naming methodsand hole decorative based on roadside culture; Bridge naming methods and fence building;green landscape plant selection and landscape segment segmented display; Service areanaming method and skit, green display; Signage display; subsidiary facilities display suchas lighting facilities, tourist trails, landscape platforms.Finally, using Hainan the Danzhou MEIYONG line to the Dongpo Academy touristhighway-"Dongpo Road" as an example, combined with the theoretical research and displaytechnology mentioned above, we classified along Dongpo Road cultural factors, and usingFactor Analysis method for filtering and evaluating these road cultural factors. And on thisbasis, we case studied Road Area-based culture landscape design and display technology ofDongpo Road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Road Culture, SD Method, Evaluation System, Display Technology
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