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The Design Strategy Research On Ecological Building Of Liao Bin Metro Building

Posted on:2014-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H CaiFull Text:PDF
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Global resource crisis of the times, Building energy consumption in China, has been tied, and industrial energy, transportation energy consumption. China as a developing country, the total construction rising, Gradually increase the requirements for building comfort, building energy consumption into an upward trend. At this time the building ecological became the architect must think about how to embody.Development and construction of the Panjin, Liaobin Metro, Liaobin Metro built a scientific model of development is a major strategic decision of the Liaoning Provincial Government, Panjin city government. Panjin coastal political economic and cultural center, the Sunshine City synergistic, an important part of the integrated development, but also an important driving force of Liaoning coastal industrial integration integration, are actively build of Panjin regional financial center, information center, exhibition center, international tourist resort recreation center. Liaobin Metro is equally important as an emerging area of development and construction and environmental protection, both progress in order to achieve sustainable development.Based ecological study architectural design must be based on the use of wind, light, solar radiation, and environmental factors in the ecological range. Heating, cooling and lighting, these are the most important building energy use, and demonstrating the powerful influence of the form.Understanding of ecological building design strategies, research Liaobin climatic conditions, natural resources, environmental features, try eco-design strategy proposed suitable for Liaobin used by computer simulations and theoretical support. Practice days for the design of a large number of Liaobin Metro project, to prove that the strategy can be implemented in Liaobin again.This thesis, a study from the three levels of the overall planning, In the layout of the building, the papers by understanding the wind Liaobin Metro, the state of the environment, Ventilated corridors and nodes are arranged in accordance with local conditions, and the width of the corridor, To find out about the local sun trajectory position to work out the most appropriate building orientation and spacing. Finally, the analysis of the impact of the natural elements of the building.Architectural form, respectively from the partition of body control, construction, natural ventilation organizations, as well as natural lighting in four areas studied and discussed.Research in the last chapter of technical measures that apply to of Liaobin Metro, as much as possible the development of new energy sources, such as rainwater harvesting, use of solar energy and the use of resources of sea water hot and cold. Enhanced external envelope structure, conduct research on the composite energy saving wall and double skin monomer and energy-saving technology, concluded ecological architectural design strategies to adapt to the early stages of building design, through these strategies, building scientific use of renewable energy, and canefficient use of local natural resources. So to achieve the purpose of building energy efficiency and user comfort.From a holistic point of view, by the profiling of the ecological architecture development context combing and practical projects to explore the concept of ecological building methods and strategies applied to architectural design practice, to provide a reference for related research and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological building, Liao Bin Metro, Design strategies
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