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Research On Energy Management Information System For Subway Company Based On Energy Informatics

Posted on:2013-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330392465744Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the grim situation of serious shortage of energy resources and environmental pollution,the subway has become an environmentally friendly transport mode for large and medium-sizedcities to ease traffic pressure, reduce traffic congestion of an effective and indispensableenergy-saving. However, the subway is a high-loss, high subsidies for the industry. Except forthe traditional technical level and management level of energy-saving researches, informationtechnology provides a new research direction to reduce the operating costs of the subway, whichis named as energy management system. That is an effective way to reduce energy consumption.How to use information system to improve energy efficiency, save energy, contribute to thesustainable development of the subway? Richard. T. Watson, professor of information systemshas proposed a new field of information system-energy informatics which contacts informationsystem with energy issues, and focuses on coordinating energy supply and demand and reducingenergy consumption through the use of information and information systems, in order to improveenergy efficiency and realize the energy saving and the purpose of sustainable development..Based on energy Informatics, energy management information system of subway collectsthe real-time data of flow networks, sensor networks, sensitized objects, and passes data to theenergy management center. Then the energy managers summarize and analyze the real-time datafrom the center for the energy management to provide real-time data to optimize the flownetwork. After that, measure the energy efficiency of the optimization program to determine thefeasibility of the program. Based on the energy management situation of the subway, the existingsubway energy regulatory system, and energy informatics theory framework, this paper analyzedthe necessity for subway to establish energy management information system, put forwardsubway energy management information system model for energy efficiency, and analyzed anddesigned the subway energy management information system by using object-oriented method.The realization of this system can increase the level of energy management and efficiency of the subway, to ensure that the subway reduce energy waste to the maximum extent in the operationof the various energy-consuming systems, improve energy efficiency, reduce the cost of subwayoperation, while saving energy and protecting the environment, promoting subway and even thesustainable development of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:subway, energy informatics, energy management information system, energy efficiency, object-oriented
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