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Theoretical Modeling Research And Application Of Corporate Safety Culture Implementation

Posted on:2015-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330428966914Subject:Safety engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of safety culture was initially brought up in the field of safetyengineering after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of the SovietUnion in1986. After thirteen years’ development, it has been acknowledged in manyindustries worldwide. China put forward the idea and theory of the construction of thesafety culture at the beginning of the1990’s. In recent years, China spares no effort topopularize the construction of the safety culture. Many enterprises have also attachedgreat importance to it. Safety culture has achieved an unprecedented flourishing. Alongwith the application of the safety culture in Chinese enterprises, some problems weremet. Investigations show that the implementation of the construction of the safetyculture of most enterprises proceeds no further than lofty theories, shouting slogansand casual implementations. The issues of transforming weak ideas into powerfulactions and the implementation of the safety culture have become important solutionsto the problems.The ultimate goal of the construction of the enterprise safety culture is to make thesafety philosophy and value of the enterprise deeply rooted into the mind of all staffsand reflected in their behaviors. The implementation of the enterprise safety culture is asystematic project concerning many fields. Based on the related theories of safetyculture and the facts of the enterprises, this thesis sets out to probe into the issue fromthree aspects: the basic research of enterprise safety culture, the research of thetheoretical models of enterprise safety culture and the engineering proposal andimplication of the enterprise safety culture.To begin with, we carry out initial investigation into the implementation ofenterprise safety culture by means of referring to safety culture theories and theimplementation of enterprise culture. This includes the concept, connotation and basicfeatures of the implementation of enterprise safety culture. Furthermore, we base themodel of the implementation of the enterprise culture on the Hall model of thesystematic project from three dimensions, i.e. the subject, procedure and content of the implementation. The subject is composed of decision-making level,management-advancing level and execution-enforcing level. The procedure is made upof fusion-combining phase, idea-recognizing phase, perception-identifying phase andself-discipline phase. The content can be divided into the implementation of the cultureof safety concept, safety behavior, safety management and safety objects in terms ofthe morphology of safety culture. The concept of the carrier of the implementation ofsafety culture is also proposed.What follows is the project proposal of the design of the implementation ofenterprise safety culture, which includes the basic principle and implementationpreparation of the implementation, key projects of the implementation of enterprisesafety culture from seven macro levels as well as the content system of theconstruction of the implementation of enterprise safety culture from a micro level. Taskcontent of different implementation phases and working subjects are also settled. Lastbut not least, the application of the proposal in Shengli Oil Field and Shenhua CTLchemical company are to be administered in order to verify its feasibility. Thisimplementation model has significance towards the implementation of enterprise safetyculture in both promotion and references. It also enables the enterprise to carry out theimplementation work from a macro systematic viewpoint by providing theoreticalframework and methodological guarantee for future implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:enterprise safety culture, implementation, systematic project, Hall model, proposal
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