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Research On The Sense Of The Ecological Environment

Posted on:2014-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330422451193Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary ecological environmental problems has become a householdproblem of social routine management, but people often use the ecologicalenvironmental terms without making distinctions between ecology, environment andnature; people also use the terms synonymously or mixed--meaningfully, whichdirectly affects their attitude towards nature, towards the depth and breadth ofecological awareness and environmental ideas, thereby affects the normality ofpeople’s environmental behavior. From the sense of academic, the sense of theecological environment ecological disciplines belongs to the basic term of ecologyand environmental sciences, and the sense has some overlap with the natural andecological sense in semantics; there is not a unified phenomenon in using of the senseof the ecological environment between ecological philosophy and environmentalethics. Therefore, from the historical and realistic sense of relations between nature,environment and ecology, the core issue of this paper is to study the sense of theecological environment and confirm its basic connotation.The sense of the ecological environment has experienced the historical evolution.Ancient Western sense of multidimensional environment reflected the sprout ofscientific rational tradition; Ancient China’s "Heaven" sense reflected the inherentecological environmental irrational emotion. Although modern ecologicalenvironmental sense has tended to be same or different in philosophical rationality, itretains the mechanical materialism position in the scientific methodology. Modernenvironmental sense generally starts to come out from anthropocentrism in the field ofphilosophy, complexity science further demonstrates the environmental complexityand complex ecological environmentality.The sense of ecological environment has relationship also difference from natureand ecological senses. From the sense of genetic sense, nature precedes ecology,ecology precedes environment, these ideas come respectively from the ancient Greeknaturalist, the late Modern Western Ecology and contemporary EnvironmentalSciences. Thus, the link of the three senses lies in: the natural growing—up featurecreates the relationship between biology and environment, that is ecology; ecologydevelops to today’s human ecology, realizes the expansion from biology to human,from biological environment to human environment; ecological environmental attitudes also spread to all life’s environment from human environment, that is Earthenvironment.In essence, the sense of the ecological environment should be a greatenvironmental sense, which is characterized the unity of opposites of its connotativeresources and the home, structural unity of urban, rural and wilderness as well as theinter-subjective unity of human and non-human. It is of important value forintegrating people’s different ecological senses and scientizing the determinedawareness as well as regulating people’s environmental to establish the greatenvironmental sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environment, Nature, Ecology, Ecological environmental sense
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