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Design And Development For The Internet Teaching Platform Of The Plastic Mold Design

Posted on:2014-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401972271Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the era of information explosion of knowledge and the rapid updating of knowledge is coming, the people’s desire to learn is growing strongly, and the traditional teaching mode has exposed the flaws and shortcomings. By the combination of network technology and education, the subject position is fully realized in network teaching environment for the students. Therefore, the design and development of plastic mold design network teaching platform, and the construction of its vivid virtual classroom are of great significance to rich teaching resources and improve teaching quality, according to the characteristics and current problems in the teaching of the plastic mold design course.In this paper, the development situation of the network teaching platform was discussed, and the design project of plastic mold design network teaching platform was put forward based on the course characteristics, by the analysis of education theory and system architecture of network teaching platform. Further, the application demand was researched from the data flow diagram, data dictionary and entity relationship diagram, and the system architecture, which is include the overall architecture, online learning system architecture area, online testing and online forum module structure and the operation flow were designed. Eventally, functional sub-module of online learning, online testing, and discussion, as well as news announcement, background management functions were designed in detail.In order to meet the needs of the learners on the detailed structure of the clear understanding of plastic mold, three-dimensional dynamic assembly and disassembly demonstration animation is designed in the network teaching platform, the various parts of the mold were moved through the assembly module of UG software, and the move procedure was recorded and derived by the assembly sequence playback toolbar, and accordingly, the vivid three-dimensional dynamic assembly and disassembly demonstration animation was realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:network education, ASP application, plastic mold design, UG software
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