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The Development Research Of Honeysuckle Industry In Xiushan

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398984091Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To increase farmers’ income is one of the themes of agricultural development in the current domestic food production is low efficiency, and the practice proves that under the background of the development of honeysuckle flower industry is mountain agricultural development is a good way to choose. Since2003, the large-scale development of honeysuckle production since, the income of the farmers increased significantly, farmers grow honeysuckle enthusiasm rising. However, the market gradually saturated honeysuckle flower market from the seller market to buyer’s market change, the farmers have to face the honeysuckle purchasing price decline and income less problems, and processing enterprises face some difficult problems. How to let the mountain of honeysuckle industry in the fierce competition in the market to keep advantage? This article is to through the mountain of honeysuckle flower planting, processing and sales of system analysis, clear mountain honeysuckle industry development historical context and the present situation, the analysis of the farmers, processing enterprise and sales enterprise three interest coordination mechanism, and find out the influence of the development of the mountain honeysuckle industry key factors, put forward to promote the development of mountain honeysuckle industry countermeasures and Suggestions. Stipulating the policy of industrial development for the government to provide a theoretical basis for the main mountain honeysuckle agricultural production and farmers’income and rural development play a role.The main research contents and research methodsIn order to complete the proposed research purpose, this paper research content mainly includes the following6aspects:1.The analysis of agricultural resources, Mountain from the geography, topography, soil, climate and summarizes the characteristics of the mountain agricultural resources, combined with the honeysuckle growth habit that mountain development honeysuckle industry from the point of view of resource advantage is the right choice.2.Summarized the development of mountain honeysuckle planted in Xiushan planting status in recent years, analyze the planting area, production area and yield, and analyzes the main planting area, involving planting subject number, total output and per mu yield, etc. The honeysuckle processing enterprises to the regional distribution and processing equipment area distribution is described, the author summarizes the four leading enterprise and the basic situation of the production in recent years. For honeysuckle and product sales subject and sales approach is analyzed.3.Study the influence the effects of mountain honeysuckle planting benefit. The multiple linear regression model, analyses the householder age, head of the household culture level, family labor force is engaged in non-agricultural industries, honeysuckle planting area, family engaged in honeysuckle planting years, family labor participation in government or enterprise organization related training, whether to adopt new varieties of nursery stock, whether to hire other farmers land and unit cost of land area of land value per unit area, the influence of the factors to determine the direction and influence.4.Summarizes the Xiushan honeysuckle industry production organization mode. Through the case analysis method, this paper analyzes the mountain honeysuckle industry appear all kinds of organization mode, mainly including:the market transaction type organization mode, the "company+peasant household" type organization mode, the "company+base+farmer" type organization mode, the "company+base+farmers+scientific research" type organization mode,"cooperative+farm households" type organization mode.5.From the point of view of industrial chain link, summarizes the planting processing link and sales link three aspects of the subject cost and income situation. Each link in recent five years of cost detail makes a detailed description and analysis of the meal honeysuckle flowers from the plant to the processing to the sale of three links of the cost and produce the profits are analyzed, compared to the cost of the three links of ratio and profit than accounted for.6.From the economic performance, social performance and the ecological performance summarized three aspects mountain honeysuckle industry overall industry performance. The main conclusionsThrough the theoretical and empirical research, this paper concludes that the six conclusions:1.Honeysuckle flower industry in mountain, play an important role in agricultural development. In grain production efficiency low background, XiuShan according to their own land, climate resource advantages, and the demand of the market situation, choose the development of honeysuckle industry. Under the condition of market economy, the agricultural project to obtain the biggest market income must rely on the local regional resources advantage; choose the right industry development project, the resources advantage into market advantage. It is in these XiuShan development ideas, to choose the honeysuckle flower industry, open a increasing peasants’income and developing the rural economy of the effective way.2.In the encouragement by the government policy support, the support of the rapid development of XiuShan honeysuckle flower planting. The planting area of300000mu, involving22streets and villages and towns of70000peasant households. But the main relative concentration, in planting is densely populated region formed a certain scale of production base, and formed the industrialization mode.3.Through the mountain honeysuckle planting farmers’questionnaire investigation, this paper analyzes the honeysuckle flower planting land output value per unit area of the influencing factors. Whether to adopt new varieties, family labor force is engaged in non-agricultural industries, family planting honeysuckle number per unit area of land and the cost of unit area have a positive impact on output, among them, the most significant influence of new. Planting area and the householder age on land unit area value is negative.4.The Xiushan honeysuckle processing initially formed by leading enterprises and retreating enterprise primarily processing industry layout, processing equipment improved, processing technology and level increased significantly, processing industry standardization strengthened, science and technology push countries. But, on the whole is still based on retreating is given priority to, processing small variety, the enterprise research and development ability is weak. For honeysuckle and product sales analysis shows that, although the honeysuckle broad markets, but sales of products to the primary products, low added value, not form a brand, sales channels, in a passive position. 5.The Xiushan honeysuckle industrial organization model including:market transaction type organization mode, the "company+peasant household" type organization mode, the "company+base+farmer" type organization mode,"cooperative+farm households" type organization mode, the "company+base+farmers+scientific research" type organization mode. Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages, should according to the local social and economic development situation, choose the corresponding mode. Through the case analysis development, suitable for XiuShan honeysuckle industrial organization model is the "company+base+farmers+scientific research" type organization mode.6.1ndustrial chain in the interests of the main profit distribution imbalance. Based on the phase of the cost and profit ratio analysis, found that planting stage encroached on processing and sales stage of the profit. This may mainly because most of the enterprise is just retreating, product added value is too low, not the market competitive power. Sales stage also is low level of product development, the influence of sales are almost primary intermediate goods.Problems to be further studied:1.The honeysuckle flower seedlings cultivation research need further later.2.The honeysuckle consumer research needs to be further studied after is the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:honeysuckle, industry development, industrial chain
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