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The Impact Of Audience Psychology On Microblogging Marketing

Posted on:2014-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398977094Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of Internet technology, new media platforms in large numbers, today’s microblogging is the most typical representative of the new media."Microblogging is the pulse of the Earth", which "Time" magazine commented the powerful information dissemination functions of microbogging. A typical representative of the microblogging. portal-Sina Microblogging has already over5billion registered users in less than4years. Twitter has over350million dollars income in2012through advertising and promotion business.The great success of Twitter has showed a good prospects for domestic Microblogging enterprise. This thesis uses marketing theory and microblogging marketing combining individual psychology and social paychology theory to illustrate the effect factors of microblogging. The article employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods as well as the catual cases to analyze the topic. Right now,so many enterprises decide to ues the features of Microblogging such as innovative, convenient and efficient. Even those not yet actual move also held a high degree of attention to the wait-and-see attitude. Why Microblogging is so popular in such a short period of time? What value does it brings to people? What does it implement the needs of pepole?The first chapter states the background of this thesis, combing the recent research on microbolgging marketing and psychology of audience;and pointed out the significance of this research, methods as well sa innovation and shotcomings.The second chapter states the theory of audience psychological and marketing microblogging,including the definition and features of microblogging marketing,microblogging marketing theory and the audience psychological theory.The third chapter briefly and macro-manner introduced the history of the microblogging.In the mean time it forecasts the future of the microblogging development. Chapter IV illustrates domestic microblogging marketing generally, and describes the situation of the overall industry.It also points out the problems of the microblogging at the present stage.Chapter V describes the psychology of audience microblogging marketing effect. It illustrates the time and frequency as well as receiving and preferences presented.It also suggest how to use the features of psychology of audience to make the effect of microbloggin to play better.Chapter VI states the strategies to cope with the microblogging better.Through the above analysis,there are three conclusions as folloing:first,the psychology of audience for marketing microblogging has the positive as well as negative effects. Second when enterprise practice microblogging,they should change their old concepts.They should not do microblogging from the enterprise themselves but from the audience,such as the behavior habits, thoughts and feelings in terms of microblogging marketing. Thirdly, enterprise should pay attention to the emotion of audience, and avoid stiff marketing.Innovation of this paper is that the view of the audience psychology not from the view of enterprise. It uses the symbolic interaction theory,possible self, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs of individual psychology,and the herd mentality from social psychology to analyze the audience on microblogging marketing actions. It suggests some practical guidance and inspiration for microblogging marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:psychology of audience, Microblogging marketing, influencingfactors
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