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Research On Present Status And Countermeasures Of Regional Brands Communication

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The regional brand is an important force to promote regional economic development. Many provinces in China have raised the regional brand to promote regional economic development strategy In recent years. In modern society, the development of the industry relies on brands promoting.The article firstly reviewed the general courses of the development of Zhijin Dictyophora indusiata.and then analyzed the the Zhijin Dictyophora branding and brand communication. Concerning in brand building, belongs to the government-led brand mode. However, Zhijin Dictyophora indusiata has had series of Brand basis. The government should gradually withdraw from the dominant position, in order to allow local businesses and industry associations to become dominanting.Secondly, the main way to Zhijin dictyophora indusiata brand communication is the government’s PR mode of transmission. While "Zhijin Dictyophora mode of transmission is lacking of Mass media using. Finally, the paper gives corresponding countermeasures and suggestions through analysising of problems and their causes of Zhijin Dictyophora indusiata developmenting.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional brand, the zhijin dictyophora indusiata, brand buildingbrandcommunication, countermeasures
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