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Comparative Study On Chinese And Foreign Fishing Licensing System

Posted on:2014-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C GuoFull Text:PDF
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As the development of science and technology, basing on the demand for food and thepursuit of business profits, more people and ships have been adding to fishing fleets,increasing the scope of the development of fishery resources and the quantity of fishingcatches from the ocean, which is laying tremendous pressure on marine fishery resourcesand the ecological system. While long time lasting of more than the maximum sustainableyield, biological populations of fishery resources will become small, and are difficult torestore to the original level, so the fishery resources will gradually decline. In order toprotect the ecological system, the original open development of fishery resources becamelimited access and use.Nowadays countries or regions have taken various measures on the management ofdevelopment and utilization of resources. Fisheries management methods are mainlyreflected in two major aspects: first, the input aspect control of vessel capacity and fishingeffort; second, the output aspect control of quota systems and individual quota systems.Each management system has its applicability and both advantages and disadvantages.Different countries choose different systems, a same kind of system has different forms indifferent countries, and new management methods or systems emerge. Many countries haveadopted comprehensive approaches to manage fisheries. Basing on understanding thesesystems and regulations and practice in various countries, explanation, evaluation, analysisand comparative studies in the history level to them, help to identify certain law of fisheriesmanagement.The comparative study method, historical analysis, system analysis are used in thispaper. Research path is from the right to the management, from the macro to the micro,from static to dynamic. First of all is the right to fishery resources, next is the ownershipand management of fishery resources, and then is the real fishing rights, so resource ownershave to manage access and process of fisheries. Secondly, the macro managements of worldfisheries are classified, both input control and output control are commenced in differentcountries, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, and the relationship of inputs andoutputs management relations is introduced. Again, transplantation research is commencedabout the possibility of transplantation, complexity, classification, principles, methods andother aspects. Methodology drawn from the analysis will guide China to transplant fromother countries with advanced fishing systems. Last, as to China’s future path of fisheriesmanagement, input and output control can be organically combined.
Keywords/Search Tags:foreign fisheries, fishery management, fishery license, comparative study, institution transplant
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