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Urbanization And The Real Estate Industry In Shanxi Province Coordinated Development

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398951197Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization is an important symbol of the modernization of economic development related toeconomic and social development. Accelerating urbanization is to expand domestic demand andstimulate the economy effectively, promoting economic development pattern, and maintain stableand rapid long-term economic development momentum in Shanxi Province has achieved leapfrogdevelopment has important practical significance and long-term significance. At the same time,after20years of development, the real estate industry in Shanxi Province has made great strides,but there have been many problems, such as the development level is still low, the developedstructure is irrational, housing security policy and the system is flawed. Has vigorously advocatedthe promotion of urbanization background, the real estate industry is how to solve these problemsand achieve the healthy and rapid development and urbanization and real estate mutual coordinationproblem is imminent.Shanxi Province, the process of urbanization, there is a low level of development, unevenregional development, small-scale regional economic, urban and rural income levels binarycharacteristics; Shanxi Province, the real estate development process there are residentialdevelopment and investment to total investment in real estate development a higher proportion ofreal estate development and investment around the city and there is a larger gap between the levelof urbanization as well as the level of economic development, real estate development andinvestment in the structural imbalance problem. Shanxi Province uncoordinated urbanization andreal estate development, the main reason is the lack of rational planning of urban constructionlayout unreasonable and poor in restructure.To promote the coordinated development of Shanxi Province urbanization and real estate, weshould continue to improve the layout of urbanization, in order to ensure the balanced developmentof the real estate industry; increase its infrastructure to drive the rapid development of the real estateindustry; adjustment of urban industrial structure to promote the real estate industry continueddevelopment; constantly improve urban planning, and to ensure the orderly development of the real estate industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi province, Urbanization, Real estate, Coordinated development
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