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The Study Of The Cultural Construction Of Gansu Road Transport Industry

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398468230Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The spirit of a nation is culturally enriched and the social morality of a nation is shaped on the basis of culture. Culture is the life-line for the survival and development of a nation, always carrying the role of banner and horn in the social development and progress. Throughout human history, the power of culture has been deeply rooted in the vitality, creativity and cohesion of a nation and has played an irreplaceable important role in rejuvenating and stabilizing a country. The6th plenary session of the17th NCCPC clearly put forward the idea that we should insist on taking the socialist culture development path with Chinese characteristics to achieve a great development and prosperity of the socialist culture. The18th NCCPC also presented:"the key to the construction of a strong socialist culture power is to enhance the cultural creativity of the whole nation". All those ideas serve as great guidance in the new period to strengthen the construction and development of the culture of all walks of life.As an important basic industry and service industry, road transport industry is closely related to people’s life and work for it is not only with its own industry characteristics like being dispersed into so many spots, with too long lines and quite wide areas but also has the service attribute of "linking millions of households together and serving hundreds of millions of people". With small railway density, less navigable rivers and limited aviation capacity, road transport is the dominant mode of transport in Gansu and has played a very important role in the economic and social development of Gansu since ancient times. In recent years, Gansu road transport industry has made rapid and substantial progress, but there are still some problems that hinder the development: practitioners lack of credibility, managerial personnel with insufficient service consciousness, low quality and level on road transport service and so on. Currently, this traditional industry, road transport, is undergoing the critical period of industry transformation and structure adjustment. All kinds of new situations, new problems are so complex and interwoven with each other. There is an urgent need to strengthen the cultural construction, set up the correct value orientation and encourage and guide cadres and workers to further promote the scientific development of the industry and then provide a powerful guarantee for the road transport in the comprehensive construction of well-off society in Gansu.In this paper, by the theoretical analysis the writer further explored the industry culture theory based on the study of social culture and organizational culture theory and raised the connotation, structure, function and classification of the road transport industry culture by combining with the characteristics of road transport industry. In the context of cultural studies of road transport industry, the paper summarized core values of cultural system construction of Gansu road transport industry by combining with its present situations and problems and drawing lessons from construction achievements of other industry. And from a practical point of view, the writer also brought out the main content of the construction of material culture and system culture as well as measures to carry the cultural construction out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial culture, Gansu road transport industry, Cultural construction
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