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Research On The Evaluation Of Sustainable Development Of Dairy Industry In Heilongjiang Province

Posted on:2014-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398453769Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heilongjiang province produces large amounts of milk every year, which has a long history ofcow-rearing and milk-procession practice. It’s one of the main raw milk sources of China and a lot ofdairy procession companies gather here. The sustainable development of dairy industry has a hugeimpact on the line of dairy processing, the structure of farming, the incomes of farmers and livingstandard. Under this circumstance, to find out the factors that affect the level of dairy sustainabledevelopment means a lot.This study dealed with the dairy industry of Heilongjiang province which concentrates on its dairysustainable development level. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current condition of dairyindustry and existing problems. A evaluating system has been established and hindering factors has beenfound out in order to make some suggestions that may somehow contribute to the development of dairyindustry. This study was the perfection of the principle of provincial sustainable development and putthis theory into practical use. At some point this study may be useful to government and some relatedorganization.Some conclusions have been made based on this study:(1)This study established evaluating system on the level of dairy development between year2006and year2010. And the conclusion indicates that the sustainable level is relatively low, in year2008ismedium, and between year2009and2010is good. As a result the level is on the rise and may be in thenear future the level will be very high.(2)This study also analyzed the hindering factors of the sustainable development. And the resultindicates that: between year2006and2010the number one factors are: total dairy products, the numberof the livestock of milk cow, the total social consumption of retails and the growing size of grazing grass.Among these, the hindering factor of the number of the livestock of milk cow is below5%and thetendency is on the decline; The total social consumption of retails exert less influence on the sustainabledevelopment of dairy industry. The growing size of grazing grass has a huge impact on the level ofsustainable development, in2008is number9and in2009and2010is number1. All of these indicatethat the size of the grazing grass is on the decline and it becomes a major factor on Heilongjiang’s dairydevelopment. In year2009and2010the main hindering factor are the size of the grazing grass, the profitrate of raising cows, provincial total product, debt rate and the prize of the raw milk.(3)Some suggestions have been made on how to promote the sustainable development of the dairy industry. They are as follows: enlarge the growing size of the grazing grass; reducing the cost of rearingand raising the income of farmers; maintain a supporting environment and encouraging residentialconsumption; strengthen quality control and promote production efficiency; reengineering companymanagement and production and enhance profit; promote scale production and build up industrialcompetence ability; innovate its own products and enhance its quality to encourage consumption; controlof excrement and urine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dairy industry, Sustainable development, Evaluation, Barriers
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