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The Occurrence Mechanism Research Of Individual Self-management In The Organization

Posted on:2013-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395981885Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout the ages, the self-management is on the extraordinary vitality of management mode. From the ideology of Confucian’s cultivating moral character, being strict with oneself in solitude, and Taoist’s governing by doing nothing that goes against nature, being conscious of the people’s desire and reasonable restraint and regulation point of view, China’s traditional culture has always attached great importance to the individual self-management. Many facts proved that a lot of excellent examples, such as Bill Gates, Li Ka-shing, Jack· Welch, on their growth path of these successful entrepreneurs, the key factors to success in addition to the outstanding talent and a rare opportunity, there is a good personal self-management ability and level. Individual’s management of their own thinking and behavior is the premise engaged in all social activities. Individuals only manage themselves well firstly, can they manage other people, teams, organizations and societies well, the self-management skills and level of all levels of staff in the organization determines the success and failure of a modern enterprise. In the21st century characterized by knowledge economy, it can be predicted that the self-management will become a mainstream management mode.Self-management includes two levels, they are self-management of the organization and self-management of the individual, the individual’s self-management is the foundation of organization’s self-management. Relative to the foreign research, our individual self-management research is still weak. In a variety of organization types, the members of temple are of the highest degree of self-management. Therefore, this paper will study deeply about the self-management mechanism of monks and believers in Buddhist organization, for summarizing the principles and laws to provide important reference to the self-management of enterprises and other organizations.This paper mainly using the case study method, having the famous representative of Buddhist organizations in China, Xi’an Famen Temple, as the typical case, focusing on individual self-management, and on the basis of literature study, go deeply into the Famen Temple to do internal observation and interviews, using grounded theory analysis methods, through three steps as open coding, axial coding and selective coding, using grounded theory analysis method to conceptualize and categorize the original data, respectively analysis the self-management mechanism of the monks and believers these two types of individual in the case. The study found that:(1) individual self-management occurred motivation including intrinsic motivation (interest) and extrinsic motivation (introjected regulation, regulation through identification and integrated regulation), in process of individuals’extrinsic motivation gradually internalized into intrinsic motivation, the monks have higher degree of self-determination than believers, and the degree of self-determination of these two types of individuals with respect to general corporate employees.(2) The individual self-management influencing factors include the individual effects, interpersonal influence, organizational impact, working influence, beliefs influence and other influence, there are some differences between the influencing factors of monks and believers, believers don’t have working influence and other influence of monks influencing factors during the self-management process, compared to the existing research and new found faith influencing factors and other influences for monks.(3) The development of monks’individual self-management process unified, mainly include self-awareness, self-planning, self-restraint (control), self-adjustment (perfect) and self-learning, the process of development is the form of step-by-step. The development of the believer self-management process are not uniform due to the diversity and variability of the properties, including Buddhist internalization process, the Buddhist influence course of action, behavior change processes, and self-awareness to self-change process, showing the diversity, and its process of development in the form is going forward in wave mode. It is basically fit when compared to the existing research, what is not fit is that the monk self-adjustment process is different from employees self-motivation process, believers self-management process in accordance with the degree of personal faith and practice degree are in some same with employees, also have some differences.(4) Individual self-management constitute dimensions are basically the same between monks and believers, they are both time management, self-awareness (self-observation), self-learning, emotional management, management of belief, sense of responsibility, self-improvement constitute dimensions. However, the specific content of each dimension still exist differences between the two types of individual due to their degree of belief and precepts demand. Newly discovered faith management dimension which covers value management, goal setting and practice.(5) The monks and worshipers in the temple organization, due to the reasons of faith, can turn organizational values into their own values well, become their own codes of conduct, consciously and in high standards to abide by the rules and regulations of the organization, there is a very high degree of the level of self-management. Motivation is the initiator of the individual self-management mechanism, by a number of factors, gradually developing the self-management process, and finally forming the individual self-management constitute dimension. This article summarizes a model of individual self-management mechanism of this particular temple organization. This reveal of self-management mechanism deepen the study of the self-management theory, and it has important instructive significance in self-management of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:self-management, occurrence Mechanism, grounded theory, Famen temple
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