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The Study Of Relationship Between The Social Responsibility Of Business And Enterprise Performance

Posted on:2013-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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The social responsibility of business from the birth of the day, be destined it will becomethe focus of. In today’s society, the product quality problems, environment is destroyedrepeatedly cases, corporate social responsibility is becoming a problem worthy of attention.For a long time, many scholars have carried out studies on corporate social responsibility,most scholars think that an enterprise should shoulder the social responsibility, and somescholars use the empirical study finds that corporate social responsibility to improveenterprise performance has positive role. In fact, from the perspective of the enterprise, tofulfill the social responsibility of enterprise development and profit has huge role. Forexample, the enterprise through the support of social welfare activities or investment in theenvironmental protection industry, can set up the good enterprise image. Enterprises toimprove product quality of service to consumers, with debt, will get public recognition andtrust.On corporate social responsibility research started very early, and now has formed a setof evaluation system of corporate social responsibility. But the studies carried out based onthe mature capital market and perfect social responsibility information disclosure, the resultsmay not be able to appear on the market to our country company rises to draw lessons fromaction. This article is based on Chinese Listed Corporate Social Responsibility status, oncorporate social responsibility and performance analysis of the relationship between research.In combination with the situation of our country and based on previous research experience,corporate social responsibility for enterprises to national contribution to investors, enterprise,enterprise contribution to society and business to employee contribution. Research proceduresare as follows.This paper first summarizes the corporate social responsibility of the researchbackground and development situation, the study of corporate social responsibility andcorporate performance of the relationship between the practical significance and the theorysignificance. To review and summarize the literature on the basis of, respectively, introducesthe corporate social responsibility and the enterprise performance theories, for the followingempirical research lays theoretical foundation. Secondly, according to the corporate socialresponsibility and the enterprise performance theories put forward hypothesis. Then, from2010Shenzhen stock market listed companies annual reports as research data and the properelimination and consolidation, finally using PASW Statistics (SPSS18) data analysissoftware for data analysis, conclude finally: enterprises to national contribution rate andbusiness performance have significantly positive correlation, business to employee contribution rate and enterprise the performance was a significant positive correlationbetween the enterprise for investors, contribution rate and corporate social contribution rateare not significant correlation with corporate social responsibility. In the end, I on how to letthe enterprise can better fulfill their social responsibility to put forward own proposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:The social responsibility of business, Enterprise performance, Contributiono Society
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