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Modern Service Industries Concentration:Based On Industrial Upgrading

Posted on:2012-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P F ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395965686Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of economic globalization, the second and tertiary industries have a gooddevelopment and the gradual emergence of the focus of the industrial structure towardsservices, high value-added, high-tech, knowledge-intensive economic growth in the modernservice industry as the focus, and this Meanwhile, economic growth, technologicaldevelopment, location factors and other factors continue to accumulate under the influence ofthe spatial concentration of modern service industry to enter the stage of rapid developmentinto the international trend of industrial development, a large number of modern service areaformation. Using its knowledge and technology spillovers, economies of scale effects andtechnological innovation, modern service area to promote industrial upgrading, promoteeconomic growth played a major role. Therefore, attention is to promote the development ofmodern service industries concentrated in China’s overall economic development andupgrading of breakthrough.In recent years, some cities in China with the rapid development of modern serviceindustries concentrated, short-form part of the shape and cover a wide range of industrial andmodern service industries concentrated area, but its development remains a lack of innovation,gathering areas supporting industry is imperfect, collaboration and competition level is nothigh, lack of government planning policy guidance and other issues, which severely restrictedthat the development of modern service industry gathering. Therefore, the modern serviceindustry gathering theoretical and practical research is necessary.In view of this, this upgrade from the perspective of the modern service industrygathering research. The first part is to introduce modern service background and significanceof the research, ask questions. The second component is the theory and the modern serviceindustry gathering literature review, the modern service industry and modern service to definethe concept, and summarizes the theory and practice of modern service industriesconcentrated research, multi-angle analysis of the modern service industry gathering, for thefollowing the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The third section presents theadvantage, professionals gather, transaction costs, environmental factors such as concentrationareas the development of modern service industry cluster effect factors and industrialupgrading, the focus from the innovation system, supply and demand mechanism, the role ofthe brand, cooperation and competition in four areas of modern service industriesconcentrated on the mechanism of industrial upgrading elaborate. The fourth part is themodern service industry gathering empirical research. Modern service industries concentratedin the level of aggregate indicators to measure and analyze the pros and cons on the basis ofselection as the relative concentration of industrial density measurement indicators, the use ofordinary least squares regression to the financial industry, for example, the country’s31provinces and cities gathered degree coefficient for analysis, concluded that: degree ofconcentration, capital investment, human capital on per capita output value of tertiary industryhas a positive impact. Part V is the relevant policy recommendations: the establishment ofInnovation Alliance gathering areas; to build a sound consulting, financial, service agenciesand other industries supporting system; enhanced clustering of horizontal and verticalcooperation between enterprises; government to rational planning, policy guidance, thedevelopment characteristics of modern service area. In this paper, the sixth section presents conclusions and research limitations, and the modern service industry gathering prospects forfuture research directions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial upgrading, Industry agglomeration, The modern service industrygathering
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