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Research On Internal Control Questions Related To LY Rural Credit Cooperative Business

Posted on:2013-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Comprehensive reform of rural credit cooperatives has been nearly a decade. The creditbusiness is the main business of the rural credit cooperatives, which is one of the largestbusiness risks. Carrying out internal control in the process of the development of thecommercial banks is not only necessary, but also very urgent. The significant of LY rural creditcooperatives for the object is equal to the credit business. This thesis analyses the status of therural credit cooperatives credit services and its management risks, existing problems and theircauses are also analysed and countermeasures are put forward to prevent the risk of loans. Thethesis is divided into five chapters.The first chapter combs the credit business internal control systems ofinternational and domestic commercial banks, studies the direction of developmentand current status, and introduces the topic of this thesis, the purpose of the study andthe need for ideas and methods.The second chapter is about the rural credit cooperatives credit business internalcontrol. It describes the main tasks of the rural credit cooperatives credit business,focusing on the contents of the internal control of the rural credit cooperatives creditbusiness.The third chapter is the LY of rural credit cooperatives business internal control.It summarizes the internal control system of LY rural credit cooperatives creditbusiness. Four typical cases are selected, and combined with the system to find outthe internal control defects generated from non-performing loans. The currentproblems LY rural credit cooperatives are analyzed, such as employees legalconsciousness, the provisions of the staff of the rural credit cooperatives are not inplace, related to the supervision and inspection system exists in name, not enoughtransparency in the lending process, procedures casual simplify. Chapter four refers to the suggestion on LY business internal control system ofrural credit cooperatives. Targeted recommendations are proposed from theperspectives of internal environment, risk assessment, control measures, informationand communication aspects, supervision and inspection.Chapter V Conclusion part.This thesis combines theories with practice, making use of foreign creditoperations of commercial banks internal control theory and research to analyze andsolve the domestic problems. The problems of LY rural credit cooperatives creditbusiness internal control are improved and perfected by analyzing and comparingdomestic and foreign commercial banking internal control practices and features.Ideas to solve the problem are learned from the experience of the commercial banks,and the general promotion of the idea of an electronic platform, the application of thishigh-tech means to make up for the business people of the rural credit cooperatives,the quality is not high enough and the status of the internal control means usingincomplete. The introduction of the the unified counter system, and enhance the levelof information. In addition, proposed the idea of strengthening the corporate legalwork, according to the law society, a man according to the law, all businessesengaged in the law under the supervision of law and discipline violations severelypunished according to law, to warn others, but also reduce the credit risk of ruralcredit cooperatives, improve internal control an effective initiatives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Credit Cooperative, credit business, Internal Control
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