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Foresters Rational Choice On The Mortgage Lending System Of The Forest Property Rights

Posted on:2013-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395958747Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In June8,2008, the CPC Central Committee announced to comprehensively promote the collective forest right system reform. The main purpose of this reform is farmers benefit and the forest green ", the main reform of the benefit of farmers can be achieved? It is supporting the reform of the follow-up. This article will discuss the mortgage lending system for supporting reform of the forest rights elaborated in the government, financial institutions and foresters tripartite interests of the interaction mechanisms specific inquiry foresters party lending behavior choices.This paper selects three villages of Enshi City, Hubei Province, as The Collective Forest Property Right Reform pilot. We put key research interviews with farmers which to participate in the Forest Right Mortgage Loan, to analysis before and after the implementation of the forest right mortgage system. There is formal financial institutions and non-formal financial institutions in two grassroots rural finance lending channels,. First, by comparing the two existing financial lending channels, to analyze what kind of lending in rural financial markets occupy a dominant position, as well as foresters borrowing needs can be met. And then analyzes the forest right mortgage loan system is implemented, although the forest right mortgage loan by the state’s formal financial institutions responsible for the loans, but it still has the particularity of foresters, as rational actors. They consider that whether to adopt the Forest Right Mortgage Loan to address the funding needs, and consider their repayment ability and borrowing, followed by the economic benefits that can be obtained by comparison of the informal financial channels and other formal financial channels, such as the cost of the loan process cost and bring income, so they choose the right lending channels. Once again, we analyze the foresters whether the holding of this unique form of loans on Forest Right Mortgage welcoming attitude, or that "is above issued in the form of policy", as well as the implementation of the system on the grass-roots village governance will impact what impact, we only proceed from the point of view of the primary individual farmers clear real demand of peasant, then the government’s policy or system can be targeted in order to effectively play its due role.Forest peasant mortgage behavior is analysis from two hands on the one hand, it is the self-variety of factors, on the other hand, it is the impact of government policies and financial institutions and other factors, so this article will itself start from the forest right mortgage loan system of government in the implementation of the Scheme profiling can provide public services, such as financial support, policy improvement. Financial institutions is how to avoid the special risks of forestry to expand their own lending operations, to achieve the interests of both parties win-win situation. Either of the above behavior of the implementation of the forest right mortgage system will indirectly affect the farmers borrowing behavioral choices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Forest Property, Right Mortgage Lending System, Forest PeasantMortgage behavior, Government, Financial institutions
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