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China:a History Of The Nation Through The Lens Of Fashion

Posted on:2013-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S A l y s s a C o c k r e Full Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395951499Subject:Chinese language and culture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clothing, an important aspect of nonverbal behavior, serves a wide variety of communication functions. Clothing is one of the most powerful and ubiquitous forms of visual communication in Chinese culture. For over three thousand years, since the period of the Yellow Emperor, Chinese costume has been a tradition of elegance and symbolism, and has evolved into an essential part of the etiquette system in Chinese society. Throughout Chinese history clothing has functioned as a heuristic, a visual tool that allows people to quickly categorize and’place’one another. Clothing permits people the means to assert their individuality, indicate their beliefs, and declare their loyalty to a group or leader. Costumes and clothing attire in China are emblems of Chinese tradition; their evolution is an essential element in the history and culture of each period of political rule. Through the lens of fashion, we are given a vivid portrait of the symbolical, albeit ever-changing ways in which the people of China have worn their nation on their backs.According to sociologist Charlotte Perkins Gillman, there are five general motives that account for the wide variations of human costume. These motives include protection, warmth, decoration, modesty and symbolism. Concentrating on the latter motive, this thesis will take a journey into time and discuss the sociology and symbolism of clothing throughout Chinese history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clothing, Fashion, Chinese Culture, Symbolism, Socialism (with ChineseCharacteristics)
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