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Study On The Issue Of Farmers’ Income Growth In Jiamusi

Posted on:2013-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395459227Subject:Agricultural extension
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The nucleus of “Three-Agricultures” issue is to increase the income of thefarmers. The fourth meeting of the Eleventh People’s Congress of CPC is about toconvene. The meeting will put forward a series of important decisions around theissue of “three agricultures”. And these decisions will surely provide good ways andmethods to solve the problem of “Three-Agricultures”. For all levels of municipalcommittees and governments, how to propel the construction of "new villages”, andactively boost income growth of farmers, according to the local reality becomes anurgent problem to be solved.The key to the problems of “Three-Agricultures” is to improve the farmers’income, which is the most important of all work. To improve the farmers’ income is totry the best to optimize and adjust the industrial structure in rural areas, and toencourage farmers to take a effective way to grow better off with high profits and highincome. It is necessary to help the villages to perfect their agriculturalindustrialization management. The taches of production, processing, transportationand sales can be linked together by the industrialization of agriculture to improve theappended value of agricultural products from all levels and to enable farmers to gainthe profits of production, processing, circulation, and so forth.To strongly flexiblilize the circulation of agricultural products is anothernecessity. Actively induct, encourage and sustain the farmers, on the basis of free willand mutual benefits, to organize various forms of cooperation agencies according tointerest sharing and domestic management, and make sure the smooth flow ofagricultural products so as to increase the income of farmers.Another necessity is tostrongly carry into execution the strategy of prospering agriculture by science andeducation. The increase of farmers’ income should depend on the process of scienceand technology and on the improvement of the farmers’ quality. The popularizingsystem of high-quality seeds and effective approaches should be established. Enlargethe construction of cultivating base of high-quality seeds; quicken the pace ofspreading the practical technologies; appropriately match the high-quality seeds andthe effective cultivating approaches; improve the quality of agricultural products andthe corresponding profits from all aspects. The scientific demonstration gardensshould be set up to present before the farmers the right approaches and probable benefits, so that the farmers will voluntarily follow the most appropriated way ofproduction. Increase the quantum of credit input to help the farmers solve the problemof circulation fund shortage.Guided by the scientific developing view, Jiamusi City is developing andstrengthening its suburban agriculture and rural economics in the light of therequirements of city and village development plan. Based on the fact that there is fewland and dense population in Jiamusi City, and the villages are faraway from thecentral areas, they fully exert the special superiority and strongly propel theindustrialization of agriculture, the process of marketing, and regulate and optimizethe structure of agricultural economy with the intention of serving the Jiamusi Cityand satisfying the demand of the local residents. The city should make more profits byincrease the output of the land and forms a unique superior agricultural industry tocreate a path of strengthening the district and villages as well as enriching the farmers.In the process of new villages construction, the Jiamusi City Committee andgovernment place their keys on “assisting farmers to increase their income”. TheCommittee requires all the counties (districts), villages and towns, and agriculturaldepartments to emphasize on increasing the farmers’ income and list it as the mostimportant target of agricultural construction concerning all the work of the city, just asthe city put its weight on the project of item construction and city financial income.This article analyzes the income structure and alternation tendency by studyingthe status quo of the farmer in Jiamusi City and summarizes the features of thefarmers’ income of Jiamusi City. By adopting the matrix, it analyzes the incomegrowth of the Jiamusi citizens, points out the existing problems and their causes,and proposes the countermeasures and suggestions of optimizing the income ofJiamusi village residents. This article demonstrates the author’s idea, adopting thetheoretical and practical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, mathematicmodeling and comparative analysis. Suggestions are put forward: the governmentshould take macro-policies of supporting, assisting, and benefiting agriculturalindustry; intensify village infrastructure construction, improving village consumptionenvironment, broaden the employment of farmers; spare no effort to increase thefarmers’ income.
Keywords/Search Tags:Farmers, Farmers’ Income, AHP, Jiamusi City
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