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The Native Retail Enterprises Brand Building Based On The Xinhuikang Company As An Example

Posted on:2013-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395454500Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a WTO member, China announced in the December11,2004, the abolition of restrictions on foreign capital to enter the retail field, U.S. Wal-Mart, France Carrefour, the United Kingdom Tesco, Germany’s Metro and other international retail corporate brand inroads into the Chinese retail market, local retail enterprises in China has brought unprecedented competitive pressures. The same time, we should also clearly see the invasion of foreign retailers brand, as well as advanced concepts, management and technology to bring local retail enterprises. Moreover, China’s retail market is very broad, very huge development potential, local retail enterprises to conscientiously study, learn and absorb foreign-funded enterprises strengths, based on the market environment and enterprise of their own reality, to actively create a local brand, they certainly can in the fierce market competition to survive, develop and grow.Local retail enterprises need to strengthen brand awareness at the same time, more scientific theory is needed to guide the practice of brand building. However, there are some scholars explore some the retail corporate brand building, but most of them focus on its own brand, service brand, a brand-building aspects, little research overall brand building local retail enterprises. This article is an attempt from the theoretical research, environmental analysis, the four aspects, suggestions, practice case studies explore the retail enterprise implementation of brand building. The first chapter is an introduction the main thesis accountable; Chapter Ⅱ Review of the theory of brand building retail enterprises, including the retail its format classification theory research, corporate brands and brand building theory; Chapter Ⅲ is an analysis of the status quo and the environment of the local retail corporate brand building; the Chapter IV is case analysis, construction of the Huaibei Xinhuikang Company brand-building detailed analysis and related proposals; Chapter Ⅴ is the suggestions of the local retail enterprises brand building, which is part of the focus of the article; Chapter VI is Conclusion and Outlook section summarizes the results of this thesis, the prospect of the local retail corporate brand building.The approach adopted in this paper:documentary research, summarized summarizes retail corporate brand building theory and research, research development status and trends of domestic and international retail corporate brand building; case studies of Huaibei Xinhuikang company brand-building elaborate analysis and provide more targeted and practical measures recommended; combination of quantitative research and empirical research research methods, internal and foreign retail enterprises brand-building to conduct comparative analysis, brand building plan for local retail enterprises were discussed. Innovation of this paper, First, whether domestic or foreign, most of the retail corporate brand building theory remain in the research of its own brand, while little research on brand-building in the entire enterprise, this paper seeks to local retail enterprises internal conditions and external environment analysis, the current local retail corporate brand-building opportunities and challenges, problems and deficiencies in the conclusion should not be underestimated, in order to guide the development and implementation of the importance of brand building and focus on the direction of local retail enterprises; Second, in a local retail business, for example, the status of Huaibei Xinhuikang Company brand building, problems were detailed analysis and suggestions put forward a highly-targeted and operability.This article seeks to provide guidance and operability comments and suggestions for the specific implementation of the local retail corporate brand building through brand building of the local retail enterprises, to promote the rapid development of the ongoing health of the local retail industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Native Retail Enterprises, Brand-building, Xinhuikang Company
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