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Innovative Approach And Empirical Research On Tianjin Land Consolidation And Reserving System

Posted on:2013-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392952943Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a scarce resource for production, the importance of land is more obvious thanever following the steps of economic globalization and industrial restructuring.Tianjin is one of the sophisticated industrial bases of North China. The contradictionbetween city development, old-urban reconstruction and mechanical increase in theurban population has been intensified. Acquisition, consolidation and reservation ofland are the fundamental operations for resolving such contradiction.9.6millionsquare kilometers of territory is enormous, but also shared by a more enormouspopulation. Land area per capital is only0.84hectare in China, in addition, the lowerlimit of agricultural land is set as120million hectares. Therefore, though acquiringagricultural land is an inevitable option for city development, the author still considersexcavating urban stock land as the route for readjusting urban industrial structure,facilitating city development and appeasing the conflict between population and land,which, however, requires for huge financial support. Currently, land reserving fundare mainly from mortgage loan, which leads to the problems of single-source, highinterest rate, non-listable collateral and incompatibility between loan period and plotconsolidation period. This paper focuses on solutions of such problems, where theauthor intends to discuss innovations on form and contents of mortgage loan, as wellas inaugurating new financing approaches. The article is divided in6parts:Part I, Introduction. This Part introduces background and significance of thearticle, and the development of domestic and international land consolidation andreserve system.Part II, Significance and Theoretical Analysis of Land Consolidation andRrserving. This Part introduces objectives, tasks and scope of land consolidation andbanking, relevant economic theory, policies and regulations, as well as evolution ofthe system of China.Part III, Analysis on the Current Situation of Land Consolidation in Tianjin. ThisPart introduces evolution of the City’s land consolidation system in the developingsituation, and sets forth4steps of land consolidation, which are application plan,consolidation, reserving and supplying.Part ⅳ, Obstacles for Land Reserving Financing. Land reserving requires a large fortune, and the City mainly relies on mortgage loan for financing. Characteristics,risks and reflected problems are discussed in this Part.Part ⅴ, Innovative Approach for Reducing the Risk on Land Mortgage Loan.Both the traditional mortgage loan mode (government revenue return, pre-transfer andtemporary utilization modes) and other financing modes are discussed for breakingthrough the bottleneck of land financing.Part ⅵ, Conclusion. Research result of the article is concluded within this Part.Hopefully, points made by the author may facilitate the development of landconsolidation in Tianjin.
Keywords/Search Tags:land acquisition, structural adjustment, land mortgage, finanacing obstacles, operating mechanism
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