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A Research On The Solutions To Shanghai Dual Strueture Between Urban And Rural Areas

Posted on:2010-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392951776Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This project, following the spirit of the Sixteenth Congress of theParty and guided by science, foresight and operability, explores solutionswith respect to the problems of Shanghai urban-rural coordinativedevelopment and at the same time offers exercisable countermeasures; at thelevel of system innovation, policy recommendations and measures forimplementation, it puts forward overall thoughts and countermeasures forShanghai municipal departments’ urban-rural coordinative development andShanghai’ taking the lead in breaking rural and urban dualistic economicstructure.There are three major restriction factors for promoting Shanghaiurban-rural coordinative development, namely the unbalance of publicservice between urban and rural areas, lack of compensation from urban torural areas and decline of rural development abilities. There are differentsolutions to the three above. Breaking the unbalance of public servicebetween urban and rural areas relies on the construction of Integrativegovernment’s public management system in urban and rural areas; solving thelack of compensation from urban to rural areas depends on Improving thesystem of financial transfer payment; the solution to the decline of ruraldevelopment abilities is dependent on innovating rural community economicdevelopment system.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban-rural areas, Shanghai, dual strueture between urban andrural areas, research of solution
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