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Analysis Of Retail Competition In Sichuan Province

Posted on:2012-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377954742Subject:Circulation economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Retail trade is an important industrial department in national economy, from the development of the industry’s point of view,the retail industrial is also one of the oldest industries. Before the reform, China adopted a planned economy, circulation in a subordinate position, the status of the retail industry is also obvious not important, as the market economy development, especially in recent years in expanding domestic demand, deepen economic reform, economic structural adjustment based on the structure of consumption began to upgrade the economic growth which will form a broader space for development.Chengdu, in southwest of China, as an important commercial city, how to seize the opportunity of upgrading consumption structure, improving the competitiveness of the retail industry, and expand the influence of Chengdu in southwest of China, is particularly important. This paper focuses on the competitiveness of Chengdu, the first competition of the retail industry to do the relevant literature is reviewed, and sources of industrial competitiveness did review the general theory, that Porter’s competitive advantage theory, Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, to Mason and Bain as the representative of the Harvard School of SCP theory, and the cost theory. At the same time according to the characteristics of the retail industry, the concept of retail competition are defined and presented in the retail industry based on the five competitive evaluation, the environmental indicators, scale indicators, the growth targets, performance indicators contribution to targets. Then According to Census Bureau statistical data, using principal component analysis and factor analysis of the retail industry’s competitiveness in Chengdu empirical analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:sichuan Province, Retail competition, Analysis, Index
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