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Research On The Relationship Between Local Fiscal Expenditure And Resident Consumption

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between local fiscal expenditure and consumption has been one of important economic topics, especially in China. Lack of investment and exports, the consumption is one of the important driving force for Chinese economic growth..But to expand domestic demand is facing many difficulties,so the government’s macro-control ability is tested.This text is divided into three parts. Details are as follows:The first part is the research base, composed of Chapter1. Chapter1described the purpose of this study and significance, and to do an exhaustive literature review and evaluation, and finally pointed out that the innovation of this article. The second part of the body, mainly the theoretical analysis and empirical research on local fiscal expenditure and consumption relations, consisting of Chapters2and3. the theoretical analysis of Chapter2firstly introduces the effect mechanism how the fiscal expenditure promote household consumption, and its applicability in China are analyzed. And then introduces the fiscal expenditure crowding-out household consumption effect mechanism, and also its applicability in China, and finally a summary. Chapter3, first of Sichuan Province, local fiscal expenditure and consumption,and brief description of the use of statistical methods to analyze the correlation between the direction and size, and do further regression analysis, and regression results a brief comparative evaluation. The empirical results show that in the long run, the overall fiscal expenditure for the consumer has a positive impact, while the various projects of the fiscal expenditure of the consumer in the direction of the same, just different extent The expenditure breakdown of the practice to test its impact on the consumer reasonable. On the empirical results in the short term, the fiscal expenditure on the whole the consumer has a positive impact, the role of the consumer of fiscal expenditure items, which the expenditure for economic construction and social welfare expenditure has a positive effect on household consumption Government to maintain spending on household consumption has a negative role.The third part is the corresponding countermeasures, composed of Chapter4. Chapter4of the article combined with Sichuan local fiscal expenditure status of the project, proposed to raise the level of consumption in Sichuan Province, one to expand the size of the local fiscal expenditure, optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiscal expenditure, Consumption, Rcardian equivalence
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