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The Land-expropriated Farmers’ Legitimate Rights And Interests Protected Of China From The Perspective Of Policy Networks

Posted on:2013-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G B DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377453194Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land as the most important means of production in the development of humansociety, not only for farmers to survive and agricultural development has played avital role in protection, but also the most critical factors to ensure national foodsecurity. In recent years, with China’s economic development and social constructionof the widening of the demand on land resources, land is becoming indispensableresource to promote economic development and meet the social construction. At thesame time, to ensure that the agricultural production of arable land and food security,China has also gradually increased their management of land, has repeatedly stressedthat the18million mu of arable land bottom line and the most stringent landmanagement system in order to curb irrational demand for land.Due to the limited and unique urban and rural areas in China of China ’s landresources system of the division of land, resulting in a large number of agriculturalland has been assessed to meet the current economic development. The scarcity ofland resources, as well as the benefits the important role of the economicdevelopment of land is becoming an important source of finance of local government,has been worsening in recent years around " in order to make money " phenomenon.Land expropriation ease of access to land and access to relatively low costcharacteristics, the form of land acquisition is becoming an important means for localgovernment access to land resources. Interest demands of the local government inland acquisition: a "trick shot " market to sell the land to a massive land transfer; willbe levied on the land as a place to attract foreign investment preferential terms;through the use of land imposed to reduce the government in public infrastructureconstruction costs, as well as the driving force of the land for the pursuit of localeconomic development and GDP index. Because the demands of the various interests by the local government in land acquisition and land to promote economicdevelopment dependent increase in turn led to the chase and abuse of landexpropriation powers. Combined, the final results due to the imperfections of China’scurrent system of land expropriation, rural collective land ownership in the form andthe Government’s assessment mechanism, the only economic growth of a number ofreasons, resulting in damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the landexpropriated farmers serious. Mainly for land expropriated farmers, existing landcompensation standard is unreasonable, a single method of compensation,compensation expense is too low; the land expropriated farmers face a difficultproblem in finding jobs; land prices to irrational distribution, so the governmentforced the farmers’ resistance to sign events are not uncommon.Based on the understanding of the background of China’s current landacquisition policy, Article to land expropriation in the land of farmers ’ legitimaterights and interests protection as research subjects, the use of policy network theory ofpolicy networks that exist in China’s current land acquisition policy build, accordingto the land acquisition policy involved in the main qualifications and the possession ofresources allocated relations will participate in the main body is divided into landacquisition policy: the policy community, professional networks, intergovernmentalnetworks, producer networks and issue network. Network in the characteristics andinterests in land acquisition aspirations described, and analyzes the key network forinter-governmental network of land expropriation affect the lawful rights andinterests of the landless farmers achieve. This paper proposes a policy communityshould play a leading role in the policy network, changing the role of localgovernment in the existing vested interests in the land expropriation, and give fullplay to local government in land acquisition manager functions as well as to break theexisting unreasonable land expropriation policy networks, and more organizations andgroups representing the public interest into the land acquisition policy to enhance andensure the participation of the farmers land acquisition policy point of view. Furtherproposed on the basis of foreign countries and regions in the practice of strict landacquisition public interest to define, regulate the land expropriation process and improve the land expropriation and compensation standards and the judicial system toprotect the legitimate rights and interests of the land expropriated farmers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land-expropriated famers, Policy network perspective, Legitimate rights and interests of the land-expropriated famers
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