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The Study Of Chinese Rural Antipoverty’ Value Orientation

Posted on:2013-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Z XinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377453031Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural poverty problem is an important obstacle in maintaining national economyto last fast health develops. In order to solve the rural poverty, reduces the gapbetween rich and poor, enable impoverished rural population to share theaccomplishments of social development, the Chinese government has formulated andimplemented a series of principles, policies and measures in the field of the ruralantipoverty. After thirty years of unremitting efforts, good results were obtained inrural antipoverty. Rural people in poverty has fallen from250million to26.88million.That was between1978and2010. The impoverished area of various socialundertakings have been leaps and bounds. We should be fully aware of the ruralantipoverty working surface to facing a lot of new issues and new challenge.Overall,impoverished policy effecting is weaker, so in such circumstances, how toadjust rural antipoverty, this is the serious problem that we face.The value orientation is a basic problem of public policy study. Ruralantipoverty policy as part of the public policy, the selection of its value orientationplays an important role in formulate and implement the best public policy. We shouldmake a value analysis on rural antipoverty policy and make detailed research for itsvalue orientation.This article in public policy on research perspective, combines the research to thevalue orientation of public policy and use theory and method of policy analysis toanalysis the evolution of rural antipoverty policy and its value orientation. This articlealso discusses what is the value orientation that rural antipoverty policy in new periodand points out people-oriented is central value, fairness is fundamental value. Ruralantipoverty policy adheres to the fairness value orientation, it means in the aspects oflegislation, amendment and implement, its central concern is with human beings,thegovernment should concern to meet the basic needs of the peasants,respect the legal rights of the peasants,maintain proper interest of the peasants and advances thepeasants free and all-around development. Rural antipoverty policy adheres topeople-oriented value orientation, it means in the process of legislation, amendmentand implement,justice to all,realize and maintain principal right,ensure thateveryone enjoys equal opportunities and right to pursue overall development. Adheresto the fairness and people-oriented value orientation is correct selection to promotepoverty alleviation.Since reform and opening-up, Rural antipoverty policy has proved people’sliving conditions,enhanced farmer ego expands capacity and guaranteed thesurvival right and the development right of social vulnerable groups,these all reflectfair essence of social security and human-centered scientific view. We should realizesoberly that rural antipoverty policy takes the efficiency as the value orientation, itsemphasis is on the speed and quantity of escaping desperate poverty, this creates aproblem that the value deviation in rural antipoverty policy. In order to guarantee theexecutive effect and push rural poverty work to a new standard, we should adjust ruralantipoverty policy from fairness and people-oriented. In order to guarantee theexecutive effect and push rural poverty work,the government should establish theparticipatory poverty alleviation mechanism,improve the rural labor quality in anall-round way,establish a system of resource deployment appropriate to ruralantipoverty,protect the basic rights of poor people,strengthen the construction ofsocial security system.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural antipoverty policy, value orientation, fairness, people-oriented
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