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Study On The System Optimization For Exhibitors’Performance Based On Efficiency And Balance

Posted on:2013-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377452975Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, convention and exhibition industry in China has had a rapiddevelopment, both the number and the influence of the Convention have achieved abig leap forward, the expanded scale of the exhibition industry has not only led to therapid development of the local MICE tourism (MICE), also contributed to regionaleconomic development and has become an emerging force for economic growth. Butfaced with China’s other industries, the exhibition industry’s rapid development isbuilt on the large investments,based on the number to rise and the accumulation ofscale, it’s efficiency needs to be improved, the same need to adjust the structureoptimization and upgrading and to achieve efficiency from inputs to promote thedevelopment stage. Under this background, this thesis mainly researches theefficiency and equilibrium problems of exhibitions with the theories ofMicroeconomics and game theory and proposes exhibiting the effect of optimizationrecommendations.A lot of papers at home and abroad for the effect of exhibitors, mostly from theempirical, through questionnaires, indicators and other methods have drawn thevarious factors affecting the exhibitors’effect, that kind of studies highly relevant andmore intuitive, but lack of generality. In order to better illustrate the general sense ofexhibitors effect, with the studies of the predecessor this thesis propose theconceptions of direct effect and extended effect of exhibitions according to theparticipation goals aimed at a better description of the exhibition arise directly fromthe amount of the transaction (or order) and its follow-up time promotion. And the useof the "audience", the number of exhibitors "," turnover "and" exhibit area staticand dynamic changes of the total surface indicators to examine the direct effect andextend the effects of participating. With the analysis of the exhibition effect of the technical analysis, this paperanalyzes the exhibitors put into the space efficiency of exhibiting the effect ofmarginal utility and show two major problems: Edgeworth block diagram of theexhibitors put into the equilibrium of power and efficiency through the establishmentof mathematical model analyzes the efficiency and equilibrium issues on the use ofthe exhibition space. These two issues together form the exhibition effect theefficiency and equilibrium, but also, more study of the core.Some exhibitors following psychological or first time exhibitors put into theeconomy due to lack of experience will lead to emergence of the exhibitors put intothe marginal effect of a downward trend, which constitutes the exhibitors put into theequilibrium; exhibitors individual rationality leads to its booth. The exhibition spaceof over-use of that exhibition crowded, exhibition audience information to acceptoverload constitutes a equilibrium on the use of the exhibition space. Two kinds ofequilibrium are only due to exhibitors from the individual, the pursuit of personal best.To change this equilibrium situation, from the equilibrium to the Pareto efficiencyimprovements, it is necessary departure from the show system, the overall best of theexhibitors, to reduce the blind investment and unnecessary competitive investment ofresources effective use.By the study of the efficiency and equilibrium problems, starting from the gametheory, a detailed analysis of the individual optimal and the overall best of theexhibition results, and then made the departure from the show system, the overallfocus on exhibiting the effect, by organizers of the constraints and guidance,coordination among the exhibitors, complementary advantages, to avoid unhealthycompetition, and ultimately the exhibitors put into space for maximum efficiency.In addition, in the course of the study, in order to better illustrate the use of timein research and exhibition space, the concept of the show carrying capacity ",indicating that the effective size of the exhibition can accommodate display; in thestudy show system of time, the "external" concept of the exhibition, the organizers,small and medium-sized exhibitors use the brand effect of the large exhibitors "freerider" phenomenon. Finally, the technical analysis of the exhibition effect, from the exhibition andexternal combined with the participating inputs and exhibition space utilizationefficiency and equilibrium analysis, respectively, from the exhibitors and theorganizers of the two angles of exhibition optimization recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:exhibition effect, marginal utility, space efficiency, efficiency and balance
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