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Exploration Of Affordable Housing Policy Excuting Deviation On Basis Of Controlling

Posted on:2013-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374998308Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Housing is a premisefor social stability and harmony. To solve low-income families’housing and to achieve live and work in peace and contentment is one of the important goals of housing reform. The State Council issued "Notice on Further Deepening the reform of the urban housing system and speed up housing construction."In1998, proposed the goal of deepening the reform of housing system:The progressive introduction of the monetization housing system, establishment and improvement of affordable housing multi-level urban housing supply system. The promulgation of this document end of the traditional welfare housing distribution era. The document is one of the major initiatives of China’s housing reform. Curb house rates too high up, promote the development of China real estate,and improve people’s living standards is important significance.Affordable housing is our government’s use of the political system and economic mechanisms, taken in order to fulfill the functions of social security, to solve the problem of low-income housing and a housing security policies. The impact of a variety of reasons, affordable housing from1998so far did not have the desired effect. Not only does not benefit the target groups to solve the problem of low-income housing, resulting in effective waste of resources, implementation of the main power of alienation. In this paper, based on the control perspective, the deviation of performance through the excuting of the affordable housing, noting that the control subject missing is the excuting of the root causes of the deviation of the affordable housing policy, Dynamic mechanism is unreasonable is the direct cause of the affordable housing policy excuting bias, lack of security conditions is the excuting of the affordable housing policy objective reasons of the deviation, by building a pluralistic system of policy excuting control to optimize the implementation of policies to control the system construction, and improve our policies and effective excuting ofthe security conditions and effective measures to establish a systematic control system to combat the policy excuting bias.
Keywords/Search Tags:affordable housing policy, policy executing deviations, policyexecuting control
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