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Protection Of Geographical Indications Research Report Hunan

Posted on:2012-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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"Denomination of origin and geographical indications system in foreigncountries has more than100years of history. France is the birthplace of this system。”France because of the geographical indications system to cultivate a group ofworld-famous for its GI products, Such as France’s Champagne. China’s introductionof geographical indications system is relatively late, This is our vast land, richgeographical indication does not match the status quo. But in recent years China hasbegun to attach importance to geographical indications, geographical indications alsorecognized the economic development of China’s agricultural potential, thedevelopment of geographical indications of a good situation. August10,2004, VicePremier Wu Yi at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce submitted thetotal "on the use of trademarks and geographical indications of agricultural productsto promote the views of farmers’ income report" on the instructions:"This report wasgood, you have a lot of work. The use of trademarks and geographical indications toincrease farmers’ income this is a good idea." December7,2004State Administrationfor Industry, Ministry of Agriculture jointly issued the "protection of geographicalindications for agricultural products and strengthening the registration of thetrademark notice", the paper stressed:"Protection of intellectual property extendsfrom urban to rural, and actively prepare to protect geographical indications ofagricultural products and trademarks registration, to address agriculture, rural areasand farmers, promote agricultural industrialization operation, increase farmers’income and promote rural economic development is important." Shows theimportance of the degree of geographical indications to the national level has risen,After decades of reform and opening up, China’s urban economic development hasbeen a major step forward, but the status quo of China’s urban-rural dual structure hasnot changed, contrary decades of reform and opening up in China’s rural-urban gap iswidening CPC Central Committee and State Council have been aware of the problem,followed by a long period of time to develop the rural economy will be a nationalpriority. Geographical indications for a role in promoting rural economic developmentcan be said to be unique, geographical indications products from the vast rural areas,increase the geographical indications, and could increase the brand value ofagricultural products, increase the value of agricultural products. To some extent, is also a geographical indication is productivity, the use of and building the system ofgeographical indications for agricultural features excavated in Hunan Province,Hunan Province, activate the vitality of rural economic development, promote ruraleconomic development in Hunan has very important significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research, Statistics, Inadequate and Analysis, Countermeasures
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