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The Developmental Strategy Of Likofu Food Company Ltd.

Posted on:2012-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374975989Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the company’s development process Likofu research focus of its currentbusiness environment; companies in which the macro environment and industry conditionscompany’s internal enterprise resource capacity and core competencies business strategydevelopment and execution of the analysis thus digging its current existing core competencies-the ability to innovate and market ability to grasp, and how to effectively perform its corecompetencies to maintainIn this paper, the competition theory theory of differentiation strategy core competencetheory, theory of marketing strategy corporate governance and other related theories andinternal depth interviews literature study, interview senior corporate staff interviews withrelevant industry associations personnel analysis. Through internal interviews, interviewscorporate law and other senior staff to understand Likofu company’s external environment andinternal organization of the macro-environment, determine the company faces competitivepressures and its own strengths and weaknesses, etc. Through literature review the relevantresearch method theory corporate strategy formulation IDS gastronomy clarify ideas staffthrough interviews with industry associations to understand the Likofu company’s industry,and to determine its competitive position in the industry.The main results of this study the formation of “Likofu Food Co. Ltd. Strategic Studies”paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Core ability, Strategy, Differentiation
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