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The Impact Of Forestland Circulation On Rural Household’s Input In Forestland

Posted on:2013-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374972475Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Forestland transfer is the main content of the collective forestry rights system reform and also isan important form to achieve the effective allocation of forestland resources. A reasonable investmentin forestland is not only the direct power to increase farmers’ income, but also a momentum to theforest economy development. Zhejiang Province belongs to the Southern Collective Forest Areas ofChina and the collective forest area accounts for more than95%.Since the policy of “forestry threefixed” in20th century80s, most of forest give to rural household management, as the farm ofresponsibility hill and private hill. At present, family management is the major forms; farmer is theprincipal part of forestry management, its operating input behavior will have a significant impact onall aspects of forestry.With the deepening of the reform of collective forest property right system, the forestlandcirculation has become increasingly active in Zhejiang. Consequently, the thesis selects the key forestcountry-Jingnling, Xianju and Longyou of Zhejiang as the research samples, making some householdsurvey about forestland circulation and forestland investment. On the base of survey date from265rural household, in the view of rural household and selecting forestland circulation as a cutting in put,the paper employ descriptive the statistical methods, the comparison analysis method and the multiplevariable linear regression analysis to make a study about the impact of forestland circulation onhousehold’s input in forestland. Then on the base of the empirical study, it puts forward relevantpolicy suggestion.Through empirical study, forestland fragmentation is serious, and the forestland circulation ismore common, but the level of marketization about circulation is low and the area of a single case offorestland transfer is small. Compared with the non-circulation of household’s input, the circulationhouseholds will invest more in forestland. So forestland circulation has a positive effect on theforestland. The investment behavior of household will have discrepancy about different forest types.Through empirical study of factors which influences farmers investment on forestland, we find that,the behavior of inflowing forestland, whether forestation or not, forestry income share, forest habitatand so on, will affect farmers investment on forestland.Therefore, the government should take active measures to encourage the rural household tocirculate forestland voluntarily and perfect the forestland circulation system, then develop the forestland circulation in regulation and improve reasonable investment on the forestland andincrease the income of farmers in forestry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Forestland circulation, Household’s behavior, Forestland input
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