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Ningbo Li Yuan And Situation Of The Company's Management Ethics Research

Posted on:2012-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L CaiFull Text:PDF
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As a developing trend of the world economy, globalization has madea profound impact on the whole world, which not only affects theeconomy itself, but also the culture and value. The collision betweenglobalization and localization has greatly influenced the enterpirses inChina, especially in business ethics.Effective operation of market economy needs certain ethicalbasement. The development of management ethics in China has madegreat promotion, but th’erere still some problems, like the fakecommodity, cutthroat competition, the distortion of accountinginformation and so on. This kind of anti-ethical behaviors have negativeexternalities, which influences the establishment of market order and theoperation of market mechanism, at the same time, the enterprise’santi-ethical behaviors also have negative effects on society.This article traced the origin of management ethics, discussed theConfucian ethics and modern business ethics and analyzed the researchresults of management ethics at home and abroad profoundly. Besides,referirng to the practical conditions in Li Yuan Company, this articleanalyzed the situation of its management ethics and posed some problemsoccurred in its operation. At the same time, by drawing lessons from theexperience about management ethics in big companies and according tothe ethical requirements asked by economic globalization and sustainabledevelopment, here proposed some suggestions about how to promote thelevel of management ethics in Li Yuan Company: to improve the legaland ethical quality of middle-top managers, improve the legal and ethicalquality of staff, build up the concept of rational training ethic and set up abusiness ethics system and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management Ethics, Li Yuan Company, Ethical quality, Counterplan
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