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Financial Risk Analysis Based On Betray And Forsake Of Marketing Channel Members

Posted on:2013-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374461077Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, with the market competition, Channels increasingly become themanufacturer for a scarce resource of strategy, which led to the relationship changed.Due to the change of the market trend, the fierce market competition and their ownstrength enhancing, distributors gradually lost his loyalty; Because of the manufacturerslost advantage position, dealers’ increased difficulties of control, the channelmanagement become the important strategy problem.Both the development of science and the expansion of globalization brought usinto a full of risk and society. Nowhere is not in the risk, the risk may occur at any time,and the effect is more broad scope, damage is more serious. In such a socialenvironment, as a social enterprise an important component unit, its business activitiesmust inevitably face the same trend of risk. As a social system, because of thecomplexity of the channel structure, channel members of the target of the managementinconsistency, channel members vulnerable to external and internal environmentchannel environment influence, to channel back widespread back inverse channels. Inthe channel members back for next retrograde, due to its lack of control ability of theenterprise, the existence of the risk and happen is unavoidable, if not handled properly,enterprise management efficiency will be a tremendous influence. How to find thecondition of channel inverse risk? To avoid the enterprise managers, financialmanagement and marketing personnel concerned.This thesis mainly based on from manufacturers from the perspective of theresearch marketing channel back inverse caused by the financial risk. Through thequalitative analysis to identify specific retrograde back channels risk behavior, andaccording to the back of financial indicators for retrograde the potential impact of therisks to sort through comparison risk values for overall risk levels retrograde back.Through quantitative analysis of the channel members back retrograde for whathappened to overview and financial index of the consequences of the most needattention to discern the risk. On the basis of risk estimation, the appropriate indexsystem and evaluation standard to reveal its financial risk to influence key factors.Marketing channel retrograde back to that of the financial risk of influence and toinfluence degree to find to face the channels for the retrograde back under risk aversionand propose the measures to avoid Suggestions.The financial risk analysis focused on research in the marketing channel membersto realize the goal of their business activities. This paper discusses the causes forretrograde back evasion of the financial risk of method and strategy for the enterprisemarketing innovation and enterprise strategic adjustment and strategic target realization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marketing Channel, Betray and Forsake(B&F), Financial Risk Analysis
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