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SWOT Analysis And Stratrgic Study On Gansu Sports Toursim Resources

Posted on:2013-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374455955Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the new kind of industry produced by the combination of sports and tourism,sport tourism is a new leisure lifestyle, which takes sports and tourism resources asthe foundation to make people get physical and mental exercise according toattracting people to experience and participate in sports tourism activities.By analysis of tourism resource development in Gansu province, this paperdiscovered its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats, and appliedanalysis method SWOT to find out the obstacles of the sports tourism development inGansu Province, and gave the corresponding solutions and advice. The aim is topromote the development of Gansu province’s tourism industry faster and better, andexpect the sport tourism to become one of the important economic pillars in Gansuprovince.Using the method of documentary, investigation, case study, expert interview,statistical analysis, comparative research, etc, this paper analyzed sports tourismresources in Gansu province to grasp the overall situation of the development ofsports tourism in Gansu, and explore the scientific strategic methods to promote thedevelopment of sports tourism in Gansu, and provide corresponding references for thecomprehensive development of sports tourism in Gansu.The following is the research result:With the unique landscape of Gobi desert, temples, holiest site of Buddhism,prairie oasis, glacier, red sites and ethnic customs, the rich tourism resources has laida solid foundation to the sports tourism development in Gansu. Sports events as wellas national fitness movement have created a good social environment save for Gansusports tourism development.The survey on the tourists participated in Sports Tourism activity of Gansuprovince showed: the tourists predominantly are male, with the age structure ofmainly the young and middle-aged. The survey on the profession showed that thelarger groups tourists participated in are: enterprise managers, personnel atinstitutions, educators, scientific and technical worker and students. The survey on thetourist generating region showed that tourists mainly come from the eastern coastalareas. The tourism projects mainly include Snow mountain climbing, the Yellow Riverrafting, walking through the desert and forest, and paragliding. The travel informationchannels and travel motivation forms are various. The project types of sports tourism in Gansu province are abroad, includingsightseeing, sports competition, taking vocation, recreation and extensive type. Theextensive sport tourism in Gansu Province carried out relatively well relying onabundant natural resources, while the sightseeing tourism and competition tourismdeveloped slowly because of the economic and social development constraints.SWOT analysis of Sports tourism in Gansu province showed: the advantages are:the abundant tourist resources, rapid economic development, the advantage of humanresources; the disadvantages are: uneven spatial distribution of tourism resources,inferior location, infrastructure weakness, low tourism awareness and rare sportstourism professionals; the opportunities are: the rapid development of economicglobalization, west development strategy, and people’s consciousness of fitness; thethreats are: the competition of neighboring provinces as well as the domestic economydeveloped areas, and the threat of internal environment deterioration.According to the development of sports tourism in Gansu province, the mainmeasures are: strengthening the leading role of the government, and doing a scientificplanning, improving the ecological environment, protecting tourism resources,perfecting infrastructure construction, improving service quality, transforming oftourism products, developing tourism market, establishing the talent cultivating modefor sports tourism, guaranteeing talents and strengthening the propaganda promotionof sports tourism, as well as enhancing awareness of sports tourism attractions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gansu province, sports tourism, SWOT analysis
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