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The Research On The Right To Promote The County’s Economic Development

Posted on:2012-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371996333Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"County system is the world security, the county strong, the country rich", since ancient times, the county economic development of the national economy plays a key role. Since the Congress that "boost the county economy" since the county’s economy to become bigger and stronger academic hot topic. China’s economy as a whole county in a less developed and non-equilibrium state, which is one of the most important reason comes from the city couties system obstacles.In order to break city couties system of the county economic development obstacles, and promote sound and rapid development of county economy, China’s Zhejiang province as the representative of each county the right to set off a wave of expansion of the wave of reform, made clear in recent years mostly results. But in its positive incentive effects, but also have a negative effect. These negative effects will affect the county’s economic development process, or even to hinder the role; In addition, the right of county to expand the implementation of the reform is not the ultimate goal, it is a necessary and important transition. Therefore, to solve the above problem, the right to lead the county to expand the reform to the healthy development, research on this subject has a certain importance and urgency.Looking at major domestic and foreign research, scholars have expanded the right of county for county economic development study for the following issues to be explored:(1) expansion of the right county for the county’s economic development mechanism;(2) western provinces to expand their power status of implementation of specific reform analysis;(3) expansion of the right county to a smooth and effective transition to the provincial counties. To this end, this study related to economics and management theory, right through the county extension analysis of the mechanism and County of Sichuan Province to expand its powers of case studies to explore the county to expand its powers to deepen the reform of policy proposals. Concrete is divided into five sections:Chapter I:Introduction. Describes the background and significance of research, research objectives, research status and entry point to study the routes and the main content, research methods and research innovation.Chapter II:the right county for the county to expand the theoretical basis of economic development. The use of separation of powers in this chapter, the administrative organization theory and institutional change flat theory of expansion of the right county for county economic development of theoretical analysis.Chapter Three:County to expand its powers to promote the county’s economic development mechanism analysis. This chapter from the perspective of institutional innovation, combined with city couties system drawbacks of the reality of the county economy, from the Government’s initiative, factor mobility, and several aspects of urban and rural infrastructure to expand their power to explain the power of county economy.Chapter IV:County of Sichuan Province to expand its powers of case studies. Expand their power through the implementation of the County of Sichuan Province, the comb, while affirming its effectiveness in the reform process to identify problems.Chapter V:County to expand its powers to deepen the reform measures and proposals for discussion. Questions for the last chapter, summed up the county to expand the right principles and the proposed reform, because the ultimate goal of expanding the right of County is to achieve the provincial governing county system, which briefly on how the transition from county to expand its powers to the provincial counties system.In summary, the topics to explore the county to expand its powers to promote economic development in the county made some new perspectives for the promotion of the county’s economic development, deepening administrative reform has a certain reference and guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:County to expand its powers, County Economic, sichuan province
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