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The Application Of Toyota Production System In Ckcm Company

Posted on:2013-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371995869Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Governments around the world made a series of QE (Quantitative Easing) policies to stimulate the economy and dig a way out of the Financial Crisis in2008and the following European&American debt crisis. Although far away from the American and continental Europe, China is no exception as global economy is integrated. The Chinese government took also the moderately loose monetary policy and invested4000billion to recover the economy. While restoring growth, the inflation pressure keeps increasing and the production cost of Chinese enterprises keeps rising. In such macro environment, the Chinese enterprises will have to work first on how to increase profits and enhance the competitiveness.A production style which has been researched, practiced and constantly modified for decades by Toyota and all its employees, TPS (Toyota Production System) is well known as targeting on preventing any waste in the operation, basing on5S and Kaizen (continuous improvement)and using pull-way JIT(just in time production)&Kanban system to inprove productive quality&efficiency so that the profitability of the enterprise can still be improved while the economy is in low growth.Through researching on how CKCM used TPS to improve the productive quality&efficiency and to lower the cost while shorten the lead time, this article serves as a catalyst to bring some inspiration to the Chinese enterprises.This article firstly describes shortly on why the topic is selected, what’s the basic ideas and the significance of research, the core concepts and characteristics on TPS are introduced as well. Then in the case study of CKCM company, it analyzes in detail about how CKCM use5S, JIT, Jidouka and Kaizen methods to lower the productive cost and improve the products and efficiency, and in the mean time what are the shortages on practice while CKCM implementing TPS. Finally the author gives the recommendation of the improvements for such shortages based on work experience combined with theory studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:TPS, 5S, JIT, Jidouka, Kaizen
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