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Comprehensive Financial Feasibility Study

Posted on:2013-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371992508Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the global financial market integration advancement speeding up, the comprehensive financial influence on China’s financial industry is more and more big, to our country now the financial industry structure has caused great shock.Our government is fully aware of the consolidated financial give us enormous opportunities and challenges, and take a series of actions to ensure that promote the implementation of integrated financial services in China.In2005by the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised)"in the Securities Act the securities industry and banking, trust business, insurance for separate operation, separate management, securities companies and institutions of banking, trust, insurance agencies shall be established separately" addition" except as otherwise provided in the country", for the comprehensive financial in our implementation to stay legal space.Reform of the financial system in China’s "Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the People’s Republic of China national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan" Put forward "clearly to perfect financial institutions to regulate the operation of the basic system of financial industry comprehensive management, steadily push forward the pilot" and provide a legal basis for China to develop an integrated Financial Management.2006China began to promote the integrated financial management pilot. Along with our country socialist market economy development and people income level rise, as well as our country and international financial contact more and more deep, together with our country financial industry faces competition pressure and pressure on financial innovation, On the integrated financial is becoming louder and louder, comprehensive finance has become the inevitable choice of economic development in china.Compared with Western countries, China’s comprehensive financial has their different background and connotation, first, as a developing country, due to the influence of planned economy, the experience in the construction of China’s socialist market economic system which had been lacking. together with the relevant laws and regulations construction is not perfect, as well as China’s financial sector faced a strong challenge from the mature developed financial institutions in the world, which have increased our comprehensive financial development difficulties.In this case, we need to combine our country national condition analysis in China’s financial development suited to China’s national conditions, analysis of the financial model.This paper based on this point of in-depth analysis, hope to improve China’s financial industry management and core competitive capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comprehensive finance, risk, innovation, financial industry, banking industry
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