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LZSH Company Non-technical Factors Of Enterprise Informatization

Posted on:2013-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371987353Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development and application of computer and network, the implementation of enterprise information plays a decisive role in the development of enterprise. The development of enterprise information technology is not only influenced by some technical factors, but also restricted by many non-technical factors, so not attaching importance to non-technical factors will hinder the development of enterprise information. Due to many business leaders’inadequate attention to non-technical factors and mismanagement, many companies fail to implement information technology projects in reality, thus, resulting in gaps in the management of non-technical factors. In particular, old management system and deep-rooted corporate culture of these enterprises, is not suited to the development of enterprise information, thus impeding the smooth implementation of enterprise information.This paper attempts to analyze the issues encountered in the process of implementation of enterprise information, on the analysis of non-technical factors, make a systematic exposition in the aspects of the influence of organization and management, the attention of leadership, the effect of project management level, the impact of corporate culture, and the effect of other non-technical factors.In order to illustrate the role played by the non-technical factors in the implementation of enterprise information, on how to make good use of enterprise information in non-technical factors, then presents information on how to accelerate business proposals and measures.The paper first discusses the topics of the background and significance, and papers of Chinese and foreign research status quo for a brief and summarized. Then, it introduced the paper is organized, and research methods in turn. It introduced the concept of enterprise information, and combined with the non-technical concept of influencing factors on the status of the oil development of enterprise information, the characteristics of the development and analysis of the important role of information technology impact on non-technical factors of LZSH. Secondly, this paper combined with the development of petro company information proposed that detailed analysis of the construction status of LZSH company information and development of LZSH company information encountered many problems and difficulties. It combined with my many years of work experience in LZSH and proposed to solve the problem specific ways and means for the LZSH information and construction to further explore the effective way and the company information in LZSH, the paper presents the solution of the problems and the specific measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:enterprise information, non-technical factors, information technology
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