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Study On Industry Selection Based On Sustainable Development

Posted on:2013-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371982508Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sustainable development of resource-based cities is a worldwide unsolvedproblem. To achieve that, resource-based cities have to change their approach ofdevelopment, and optimize industry structure. There are abundant research aboutresource-based cities which focused on sustainable development, adjustment ofindustrial structure, transformation and industry selection, while most of theseresearch about the resource-based cities with exhausted mineral resource, few aboutthose with abundant mineral resource. This thesis focus on the latter and industrialoptimization model, and choose Shuozhou in case study, hoping to add a reference tothe resource-based cities with unexhausted mineral resources. Major content:(1)Based on the life cycle of resource industry, three-layer capacity ofsustainable development is proposed, which is composed of resource, resourceindustry and general resource. This thesis then proposed how to develop capacity ofsustainable development in different stage of the life cycle.(2) The potential of industries are measured by fuzzy entropy model, whilecurrent relative efficiency by DEA model, then potential and current relativeefficiency of industries are mapped into rectangular setup, making industryoptimization objective and intuitive.(3) This thesis analyzed Shuozhou’s economic status, industrial structure andindustry of cities near around, measured13industries with the optimization model,then proposed detailed suggestions on industry optimization.(4)According to the quantitative analysis, industries which should be developedas priority are coal, farm product processing, animal husbandry, electricity, logistics;tourism, finance&insurance and agriculture have enormous potential, could be newpoints of growth.
Keywords/Search Tags:capacity of sustainable development, resource-based cities, industrialoptimization model, Shuozhou
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