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Research On Optimization Of Work Mode In Mobileone Project Management Depatrment Of H Company

Posted on:2013-06-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371479521Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A small mobile phone, from the first of just such a role is just a mobile phone,till today, became the staff one can play at any time, listening to music, reading, work,chat, photos, microblogging, aware of the world of a mobile data receiving device.Evolution of the mobile phone using this process, can be said to be further away fromthe phone’s features. Mobile phone from the status of a secondary communicationtool between man and man gradually become integral and important part of our lives,seems to be emanating from the process of its development a magic that can controlpeople’s behavior, making it a dependency, and people have become increasinglydependent on it.Is due to value the importance of mobile phones to people living increasinglysignificant characteristics, has provoked a reshuffling of mobile phone manufacturingindustry in recent years campaigns began. Seems to be a night, industry leader inshadow disappear into thin air, but obscure before Rookie of the development of theindustry is going, such as rich Thai company established mobile phone manufacturingcompanies have not sustained between God, their performance has plummeted, shareprice plunged into an abyss. Faced with such a volatile market environment, Fu Taicompany is also in a great crisis, have been loyal to the company’s shareholders, FuTai macro must be the bitter experience of the company, seeking new way out ofadversity must reposition and adjust their, to adapt to the new market environment, aswell as new customers. This article first Fu Tai company, outlined the current status of projectmanagement work, and describes in detail the main business functions in theDepartment run, customer service and administrative functions of the three maintasks of the job functions and features. Full analysis of the existing problems in thesector, including sectoral issues in human resources management, Department ofinformation management issues and three problems in customer management.Through the method of industrial engineering, systems engineering,5W1H analysismethod, analysis of management, optimization of the method of analysis of fourapplications, Fu Tai company analysis in project management work at presentexisting problems and propose appropriate optimization. First by held various teamconstruction activities and established effective of incentive mechanism of method, toreached makes sector staff has belonging sense and very high of work enthusiasm ofeffect; by on important information effective of management and control, to to sectorstaff work reduced has many does not necessary of trouble of while, also makescompany economic interests are has maximum of protection; last, by improvecompany collective staff of customer service consciousness and Xia large effortsimprove customer service quality measures of implementation, Improving thecompetitiveness of the corporate client and industry, so as to be able to attract morenew customers, retaining customers, and customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimatelyto sustainable development, and to achieve the ultimate objective of profitmaximization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Phone Program, Human Resources, Information, Customer
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