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Distribution System And Modern China Development

Posted on:2013-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371477768Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marxists Theory of Distribution is dynamically improved with the development of society, for which it embodies various scientific connotations. Marx has elaborated on the relation between scientific connotation and social development of Distribution System in several books. In the retrospective of the Distribution system since the founding of PRC, it is distinct difference in the future distribution system with what Marx has presented. Only with the employment of the Methodology of Literature Analysis and Historic Logic, could we obtain the extensive and further cognition. In order to find the feasible distribution system under the guidance of Marxists Distribution theory, it is of highly importance to establish the relationship of distribution and development of society and improve in accordance with the development of society, and with which the accelerate the development of society.In modern society, Development has become the common theme of China as well as other countries, which inevitably incurred a series of issues attracted worldwide focus. Social development is a multi-index and comprehensive concept. To achieve the comprehensive social modernization path, one-sided "Materialism" and "idealism" is not workable but the combination of material, spiritual as well as political civilization as a index that evaluate the social development. Distribution system, functioning as fortune distribution system and political system indicating the social equality and efficiency, is the core subjects related to the social development, which demands extensive research and focus.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Distribution system, Relationship
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