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EVA-based Concept Of Improving Corporate Governance In China’s Rural Credit Cooperatives Suggestions

Posted on:2010-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G DengFull Text:PDF
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The Rural credit cooperative takes the finance configuration of organization which one kind is characteristic, is the countryside villagers gathers capital according to the cooperative economy principle to buy stock the composition corporate finance organization. Its legal person management structure is mainly the member of society, the director organization which and between the business manager who entrusts by the member of society appoints by the director organization, to different level right and responsibility static allocation way and dynamic operation relations. Whether to establish the reasonable science, the ownership to be clear, the power and responsibility is clear about, the protection to be strict, the circulation free modern legal person management structure is relates the agricultural letter society newly round to reform the successful core question. In the reform presented three kind of patterns, has the advantages respectively; Three kind of reform modes, three different form legal person government, but the agricultural letter society legal person governs the essence is the same, how to carry on the property right limits, establishes the status of legal person, then governs the existence from the current our country agriculture letter society legal person the question and ponder these two aspects which governs based on the EVA idea’s perfect legal person begins, this is the key point which this article elaborates.This article is based on China’s ongoing reform of rural credit cooperatives in practice to sum up all aspects of both positive and negative lessons learned, focusing on the reform of corporate governance structure of rural credit cooperatives to explore the appropriate path for sound. A total of five chapters the article. The first chapter "Introduction" to the topics of the background, objective significance of the elaborate corporate governance and rural credit cooperatives EVA studies were reviews of the literature; second chapter "of China’s rural credit cooperatives that exist in corporate governance issues", analysis the current corporate governance in the rural credit cooperatives. including governance structures and governance mechanisms for the two class equity structure, capital structure, organizational structure, employment mechanism, monitoring mechanism, incentive mechanism problems in six areas, mainly due to the formation of these issues of property rights relations are not clear, the owner of absence, and neglect the most critical corporate governance in the principal-agent relationship; third chapter "EVA and rural credit cooperatives in the combination of corporate governance", will be applied to the EVA concept of corporate governance in the rural credit cooperatives, to find out the EVA corporate governance and rural credit cooperatives in the governance objectives, capital structure, incentive mechanisms and treatment of the combination of four aspects of culture, the concept of EVA-based to further improve our corporate governance structure of the rural credit cooperatives pave the way; fourth chapter "EVA in the the use of rural credit cooperatives, "focusing on the calculation of EVA adjustment projects and rural credit cooperatives in the calculation of EVA; fifth chapter" EVA-based concept to improve the rural credit cooperatives corporate governance proposals "to follow the idea of EVA to value-based management to lead the rural credit cooperatives and improve their corporate governance, first of all have a clear and reasonable objectives of corporate governance, with the goal of corporate governance in order to ensure the correct direction; secondly to establish such powers and responsibilities of the corporate governance structure, corporate governance structure is the carrier of corporate governance in rural credit cooperatives is the corporate governance of the "form"; once again to establish effective governance mechanisms, corporate governance mechanism is the corporate governance of the "god", which aims to ensure that rural credit cooperatives in the scientific decision-making and effective functioning of corporate governance which is the heart of rural credit cooperatives problem; finally to cultivate the concept of corporate governance culture of EVA. ChapterⅤis based on an analysis of conclusions of the previous chapters, from the general ideas and responses for the corporate governance structure of China’s rural credit cooperatives, the optimization make policy recommendations.This article is the issue of rural credit cooperatives, corporate governance in a systematic study, the main contribution lies:First, right from the grassroots agricultural credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives in the specific starting the current existence of the rule of law who conducted a reasonable analysis of the existing theoretical basis for, there are practice-oriented; the second is the introduction of rural credit cooperatives, corporate governance is an innovative concept of EVA, although there are state-owned commercial banks have adopted EVA for performance evaluation and management, rural credit cooperatives have not yet, this paper explore the concept of EVA of the rural credit cooperatives in the new round of effective corporate governance reform, the main path; third of the rural credit cooperatives, corporate governance culture into the corporate governance.While the Rural Credit Cooperatives Corporate Governance is currently a hot issue has already caused widespread concern in Chinese scholars, but research is still not systematic in-depth, mature, less research, only the data are more scattered, combined with the nature of the relationship between my work of rural credit cooperatives abroad is difficult to collect the relevant information; and research of corporate governance of rural credit cooperatives need to have the times of the data, but since I work in different environments has been limited, such information is often difficult to obtain, which will inevitably lead to a certain degree of lack of and deficiencies in.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural credit cooperatives, Corporate Governance, EVA Concept, Countermeasures
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