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Research On The Financial Support For Sustainable Development Of Regional Economy

Posted on:2013-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330362973180Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Regional economic rapid development process, the financial industry plays anincredibly important role. In the past the traditional definition of economic growthkinetic energy, people tend to land, capital, and labor is to promote the developmentof the three carriages; However, in the globalization of economy and economicJinRongHua increasingly common today, technology revolution and the innovationof the system to promote the regional economic development has become the dualcore, the financial sector in the development of social economy and the constructionof the system has the support of powerful perfect effect. Regional financial asmodern regional economic activities in a relatively independent objective factors,structure, system function and getting more perfect, innovation, field further broaden,just like the sustainable development of regional economy has become the mostimportant valuable assistants, even in the core role in many time, on the regionaleconomic growth and regional financial support concept more and more thoroughpopular feeling, become the consensus of the academic circles.Regional financial includes a regional financial structure in space operationstate, is a modern market economy system of the development of regional economy aphenomenon. In our country, because of the specific circumstance of regionaleconomic development makes the situation and financial structure of the distributionof the great differences, and has become a national economic influence, harmoniousand sustainable development of obstacles. To actively to solve this problem must bein our financial economic support role of area-delimited research. Zhejiang is oureconomic province, is also financial strong province, in the sample selectingrepresentative and leading.This paper first combed the research situation, regional financial and economicgrowth of support related theory, and takes it as a guide frame, interception since thereform and opening up for34years of time span, a lot of economic and financial datacollection, as the foundation of the; Then examines the of zhejiang province regionaleconomy and regional development of financial condition, use of time series, thelongitudinal compared to the Yangtze river delta and other provinces and cities of thehorizontal comparison of analysis method; On this basis, the construction indexfactor and the model, the financial industry of zhejiang province to the support of theregional economic development from the banking, securities, insurance and comprehensive index such aspects as empirical research, and concludes that theregional financial development and regional economy is relevant and havesignificant support role. The correlation coefficient of bank factors and economicfactors is0.36, that of securities factors and economic factors is0.10, and that ofinsurance factors and economic factors is0.26. Consequently, the contribution ofbank industry is more than insurance industry, and that of insurance industry is morethan securities industry, and puts forward a series of some Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional economic, Financial support, Zhejiang economic
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