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Study On Large Public Buikling Energy Efficiency Management System

Posted on:2013-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330362972760Subject:Engineering economics and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to China’s social and economic development and to make in-depthstudy on the domestic and international political, economic and social developmenthistory,building a resource-saving society is strategic decision and scientific planningfor the future model of social development in China. Energy conservation is animportant part of the resource-saving society, the building energy consumption ofabout one-third of the energy for the whole society goods, and is the largest energysaving potential areas of energy use, especially in large public buildings has becomeour country achieve energy an important breakthrough in one of the emission reductiontargets.Unlike the "Chang’e lunar exploration or the Three Gorges Project, the singlemajor project, building energy efficiency is a broad range of issues involving allaspects of society as a whole, and engineering, culture, philosophy, lifestyle, socialequity is closely related to social action. How to effectively carry out large-scale publicbuilding energy conservation is the goal of researchers in the field of building energyefficiency at home and abroad has been to explore and research focus has been togradually shift from building energy efficiency design and energy saving technology ofthe operation and management of energy-saving. From the theoretical and practicalpoint of view, the large-scale public building energy management is an importantmeans of building skills.Large-scale public building energy management, domestic and foreign large-scalepublic building energy management, macro and micro levels, the establishment of thefull life cycle energy management mode of a set of large public buildings, and largepublic buildings for Xi’an energy management issues, made recommendations for theimplementation of the set of model in Xi’an. The findings and conclusions of this paper are mainly the following aspects:Through the study of large-scale public building energy management in Europeand the United States and other developed countries in the field of building energyefficiency work earlier, formed a relatively complete large-scale public building energymanagement system at the macro level. This management system has played animportant role in the management of large-scale public building energy efficiency, andachieved good results. More mature markets of developed countries, the majoroverseas for energy-saving effect of management, but there are still shortcomings inthe running of large-scale public building energy efficiency supervision system.Survey found that China’s large-scale public building energy management statusof building energy efficiency market is not perfect, the system level, there are manyinadequacies. Mainly from the micro-level large-scale public building energymanagement. Although it achieved some success stories, but in practice the existenceof weak large-scale public building energy efficiency management stakeholdersawareness of energy conservation, it is not clear the current situation of buildingenergy consumption, the lack of high quality talent, low level of operationalmanagement problems.Based on the foregoing literature, learn from the advanced experience of Europeand the United States and other developed countries, large-scale public building energymanagement, and supervision of energy-saving operation system deficiencies, thesurvey of the status quo of China’s large-scale public building energy management, inthe crux of the problem based on the analysis of large public buildings are notenergy-efficient, I designed a full life cycle energy management model for large publicbuildings.Through the full life cycle energy-saving mode of large public buildings and Xi’anlarge-scale public building energy management such as "coercive measures is notperfect, and guide means imperfect lack of supporting measures, the social awarenessof energy conservation is weak" considerations, large public buildings in Xi’an, the fulllife cycle energy management model specific implementation details by the line ofexploration, large public buildings in Xi’an for the promotion of energy-saving worksmoothly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building Energy, Large Public Building, Management System
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