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The Research Of Shanghai Municipal Government In Promoting The Development Of Trade In Services

Posted on:2013-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330362967746Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After entering WTO, the development of China’s trade in services faces new eraand new environment with comprehensive opening-up. In a long time, ourgovernment departments pay insufficient attention to the development of trade inservices, but with China’s accession to WTO, the government’s concern on trade inservices becomes more and more important. Relying on industrial advantages andlocation advantages, trade in services in Shanghai is started early and developedrapidly, and has been formed good momentum of development since the reform andopening-up, but most fields of trade in services are in the state of deficit, andinternational competitiveness is relatively weak. In2008, the Ministry of Commerceand Shanghai Municipal Government signed the "Cooperation Agreement of TheMinistry of Commerce and Shanghai Municipal Government on jointly promotingthe development of Shanghai’s Trade in Services". Trade in services work inShanghai steps into a new stage of development. From the view of the government,not only for promoting Shanghai "Four Centers" building, the effective participationin international division of work and improving international competitiveness, butalso for radiating central and western regions, building the exchange platform fordomestic and international markets and enhancing the function of serving the wholecountry, it has great strategic and significant meaning to make research on how totake advantages to accelerate Shanghai’s trade in services development.Although the development of trade in services is on a precondition of marketeconomy, domestic and international practice shows that the government plays anindispensable role in the development of trade in services, which is also the key partof this paper. Focusing on this theme, from theoretical analysis to practical thinking, from domestic and international experience of trade in services to the status ofanalysis in Shanghai, the paper explores the Shanghai Municipal Government’s rolein promoting trade in services development. This thesis is divided into five chapters:Chapter1expatiates the purpose, meaning, ideas and methods, and contents of theresearch; Chapter2expatiates the concepts of trade in services and proposes the roleof impact of government in promoting trade in services on the base of relationtheories between government and market; Chapter3draws relevant revelation bystudying the practice of domestic and foreign government promoting trade in servicesand taking developed countries and districts as examples; Chapter4mainly analyzesthe Shanghai Municipal Government’s role in promoting the development of trade inservices, expatiates the overall situation and characteristics of development of tradein services in Shanghai and proposes the problems of Shanghai MunicipalGovernment in promoting the development; Chapter5proposes that, in response tothe problems, combining with Shanghai "Four Centers" building and "TwelfthFive-Year" planning, the Government should create favorable environment for thedevelopment of trade in services and actively take full advantage to promote trade inservices development and international trade center building, etc. innovatingmechanisms, developing new markets, improving industrial policies and training andgathering talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:trade in services, government function, research
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